
Cholesterol Question --?

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I am taking Falxseed Oil, 1000 mg's. My doctor said to take 1 or 2 per meal (the bottle says 1)

The question is --

How am I to know if I take 1 or 2?

I eat like 3-4 small meals a day. All protein and greens mostly. (Atkins)

Any Suggestions? Thanks!!!




  1. Honestly I would just stick with 1.  To really find you how much you SHOULD be taking you should check the brand of the Falxseed Oil. You might have to do research, but not all capsules have the same absorbancy rate.  So if you find that it's really low - take two.  But to not be wasteful I would just stick with 1. If you OD on it the rest just goes out of your body with the rest of the waste.

  2. Presumably and hopefully taking double the recommended dosage will lower your cholesterol level a bit faster.  It is quite safe to take the double dosage in the case of flax oil but it might perhaps give you the runs as flax oil has a laxative effect.  

    In the case of dietary supplements in general it is unwise to take more than the recommended amount as more is not necessarily better and sometimes more is worse and can actually be detrimental to your health.  You have to avoid overdosing.

  3. Can't overdo a good thing. It is like taking more medication for sickness thinking that it will cure you faster. It is the same here.

    Flaxseed for Omega 3-6-9 if taken in powdered form - is better than just oil. (oil is expensive too).

    1 teaspoon of this powder a day is good enough for a person of normal weight.

    Oil, if taken in excess, is way more than your body needs and it is just excreted through your body. Oil does not get the time to bind to give you the benefit that it offers. Body can only absorb certain amount. So, you are wasting the good stuff.

    Should you insist -  no harm done in taking 2 capsules - but why take it knowingly that all of it does not get absorbed?

  4. Listen to your doctor.

  5. 1- if you take too much flax seed oil it empties the bowels in a soft BM, so too much no good, take the amount prescribed because the doc might of thought to get the emptying result too besides the reduction of cholesterol, or just give a call to make things clear

    2- you can use kyolic garlic tabs to reduce cholesterol

    3- fish liver oil high in omega 3 reduces too

    4- high fiber too

    so a combination of all this has to work for you

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