
Choose One !?

by  |  earlier

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1.A live Classic Music concert...Maybe beethoven

2.A little talk with George W. Bush

3.Knowing the secret of Mona Lisa`s Smile

4.&...s*x with your Fave PornStar !




  1. # 3. I would LOVE to know the answer to that. Wouldn't you?

  2. Interesting  !!

    1.  I've done this many times --quite wonderful, but.

    3.  I'm not sure that this would bring on a notable epiphany

    4.  Actually don't have a favorite, but might be getting visuals of her  with her hundreds+ amours -- not a turn on...

    2.  If the setting were us alone, i would be fascinated to hear about his childhood and early years, generally.  My understanding is that the children of the "elites" are, essentially, often maltreated, brainwashed, and programmed

    in a manner necessary to make of them good little puppets for their illuminati masters.  I'd like to hear about this.  gwb is, after all, a psychopath and a murderer --just how does one become such?

  3. oh ide just love to talk to george bush(alone)just five minutes

  4. 1. a live classic music concert............

  5. i'd have a little talkie talkie with george about the way things have been goin' lately.....

  6. iam going to say3 because i like to keep peoplequesting
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