
Chris Cuthbert biased

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Does anyone else think that Chris Cuthbert is the most biased announcer in the CFL against certain teams?




  1. The problem with Canadian Sports announcers is that they are general impartial. When you acquaint that to US announcers who are often quite partial to their home teams. The Canadian announcers come across as favouring the other team.

    Thus in hockey Leafs fans do not find Bob Cole as being pro Leafs but anti Leafs. Whereas other hockey fans claim he is a homer. I used to feel the same about Rod Black until it was pointed out to me that he is very impartial and is in fact a fan of the game.  

  2. No I never noticed. This year, he's been teamed up with Glen Suitor, a former Rider, and I though that the last game against the Stamps, they were out to make the Stamps look overly good. Could be my imagination because my boys were getting killed. I like Chris Cuthbert. I think he does a good job.

  3. No, he's actually quite impartial. I used to find Mark Lee of CBC to be the most biased announcer, which is why I am glad CBC no longer covers CFL games.

  4. Well, he's probably based out of Toronto like pretty well every other anouncer on sports TV so what does that tell you?  Personally, I can't stand the guy.  He screams like a girl!!!!  Bring back Dave Hodges!!!

  5. Nope.  I don't find him biased at all.  That is probably why most people consider him to be one of the best, if not the best, play by play guy in Canada.

  6. I find him to be a great announcer for the CFL. He is inelligent, truly loves the CFL and when he does sstupidityed its against stupidty not certain teams. Now that half time crew come on give me a break, every single one of them have their own personal bias.

  7. Not a chance. Best in the league!

  8. No, I don't.

  9. Nope, I've never noticed that.  Which teams are you talking about?
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