
Chris patterson dropped?

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well as the question states

Why have scotland dropped chris patterson for the first game of the six nations that scotland play?

I know he got injured but did not think it was that serious.

I thought the man was outstanding in the world cup dont much about his replacement but lets hope he can kick a ball as good as chris could




  1. He can have very bad attacks of what seem to be nerves. In such a pivotal position, you need someone with a more reliable temperament.

  2. Don't understand many of the selections from all of the teams this year..

    Eddie o Sullivans has most of ireland in a complete tiwas, wales' selection is just strange, England and Balshaw is unfathomable..

    Unless of course... it is now officially a new era and coaches want to try something completely different (apart from eddie osullivan who has crazily  stuck with his awful world cup team.) and want to throw away combinations that were not working..or that won't be around for the next world cup..(apart from Ireland)...


    Look .I know for a fact that henson is a blyddi good rugby player.(and I am not one of these henson fans). Most of the time I would quite happily swap him for someone a like Mike Catt..who is probably a better player in many ways...But.he now has a international coach who is fully behind him and who is really confident in his abilities, He is playing in a settled position, with basically people he knows really on the whole I am confident he can turn his disappointing mercurial injured lazy a*se around..

  3. he's doomed

  4. Well, Patterson did very well in the RWC, but since his move to Gloucester, he has not had much game time really has he?

    Which is common when you move to a new club, at least he is on the bench if needed.

    As for Gavin Henson, he has been plagued with injury for a while now and would have been in the RWC (by all accounts) squad if his fitness level had been up to standard!

    When Henson is on form, he is a top player, he reads the game so well and is in the mist of of it all, and at the moment he is on top form, so yes, it is justified that he is in the Welsh squad.  He has the whole coaching team behind him who have shown confidence in him and he will excel because of this!

  5. south africa kicked *** :) yebo

  6. Big shock yeah.  I would have played him on the wing instead of Simon Webster.

    Good to see Nick De Luca get his first cap. He could easily be the Scottish player of the 6 Nations.  A great back in the making.

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