
Christ...Jamaica...what is up...?

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People are going around poisoning off the dogs so they can rob the people's houses! What is up? Isn't it corrupt enough down there?




  1. Why do we like to highlight negatives and not positives????

  2. Well, that is nothing new. I grew up in a 'bushy' valley in St. Andrew - We lost a lot of dogs that way, including a dog that just gave birth. Needless to say all nine pups died because they were too young to feed on anything else besides their mother's milk - wicked set of b******s!

    Does your grandmother have fruit trees on her property? Probably that's the thieves main aim - we had ackee trees beside our fence - neighbour's property - which was what the thieves usually went after. If that is the case, she isn't any real danger, but I do worry about the fact that you describe her as weak and fragile. You're probably underestimating her (because some senior women I know are a lot stronger than us younger ones due partly to how they eat-yam and banana - not burger king and KFC , for example) If she is literally as how you describe her though, she shouldn't be living alone. Perhaps you can suggest to a relative to move in with her and help to survey the land for anything suspicious. I don't think she would mind the company.

  3. People poison dogs in Jamaica?? So that they can rob people??!

    What? This is the FIRST time I've heard about this. And I've lived in Jamaica all my life!

    Wow.....and you're pretty negative aren't you?

    Does your grandmother live in the country? I bet that's why they do that then, because you don't hear that happening in the city i.e. Kingston.

    AND why don't you move down there to live with her, seeing as she's 'fragile' and lives by herself, perhaps that's one of the main reasons they would target her.

  4. Apparently not, just like here, through other means.  God Bless you

  5. Its not so 'corrupt' down here... at least thats not evidence of any superior corruption. Stop promoting that crappy misinformation about Jamaica. What you should say is "there goes another tactic that Jamaica has adopted from its bigger counterparts".

    Your statement would still be INCORRECT but at least closer to the truth.

    The poisoning of dogs is NOT a new thing. It has happened SO many times since i was a child that i am simply NOT surprised. I've lost mongrels, rottweilers, doberman pincher's, German Shepards and many more.

    Its also not something unique to Jamaica. Poisoning as a means of conquering security dogs (or other animals such as horses) has been used in many countries, perhaps for hundreds/thousands of years.

    This phenomenon seems less common in the USA (and other colder climates) because their dogs are more commonly treated as pets and family members. When you see areas where dogs are heavily used for security, you generally see cases of poisoning every once in a while. This is true for 'ghetto' pit bulls and for super rich mansions protected by rottweilers.

    When people want to get in, they poison the dogs.

    Just in case, you should also check to ensure that nobody is unknowingly leaving poisonous materials where the dogs can access it. I've lost several dogs this way.

    The way to counteract it has always been to be vigilant for the signs of poisoning (or attempts) and to train animals not to eat from strangers.

    Also, dog poisoning as a burglary 'modus operandi' is not so common, it usually points to a particular burglar active in the area.  Typically just one bad egg who things he has reinvented the wheel in his atempt to steal his way to riches. Thats hardly an indication of widespread corruption. Report it, so that cops can track the burglars pattern.

  6. There are more positive things happening in Jamaica....The roads on the North coast are wider and better.

    The food is still spicy.

    The music is great.

    People are friendly.

    The Country is Beautiful.

    The aqua colored Caribbean sea is  warm, safe and tranquil for swimming.

    You can still get coconut water right off the tree.

    The fruit are sweet and succulent.

    I could go on........

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