
Christians, what is your stance?

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I myself am a pro-life Christian. Abortion for the sake of not having a kid is indefensible. However, what about if the mother is likely to die during childbirth? Is abortion acceptable in that context?

Just to put it out there, I think it is, but I'd like other people's perspectives.




  1. We have enough people on this planet without others trying to foist their opinions strangers. We don't need unwanted children. Having an abortion is defensible if the mother so chooses. Forcing her to have an unwanted child is not.  

  2. As an individual I do not believe that abortion is right.  I would not personally have an abortion and would discourage others if they asked for my thoughts.  

    As a Christian, I do not feel that I can tell others they have to believe as I do.  Therefore, I am pro-choice with a belief in limitations on late term abortions except in extraordinary circumstances (such as danger to the life of the mother).  

  3. i know for sure that I'm going to get thumbs down for this..but if i were told that i was going to die if i did not abort my child then i would proudly give my life. if i knew that my child was going to live..i wouldn't even think twice about it. i've had my chance at life, why not have another have a chance? that's how i see it.  

  4. Pro-choice Christian.

  5. my perspective is that you as a man, have absolutely no right in

    even giving your opinion about abortion...sorry...this is a women's


    silly rabbit!

  6. a touchy subject with most (to say the very least lol) to abort a "normal" healthy pregnancy is to commit for nonce in the hebrew tongue or in ours 1st degree lie in wait murder this is the command ment thou shalt not (kill) commit for nonce

    however if a pregnancy was going t0 kill the mother UNDOUBTEDLY i believe (but can not document scripturally) that it is ok for this reason if the mother dies so does the baby so either way the baby dies why lose 2 of God's children

    when this situation occurs i believe it is God saying that you are far too good a soul so I will gve you a free ride through this free will test because i know you will pass it and i know your faith will not falter and I need you here with me that is my belief

    i also believe this to be the case when a child dies before the age of accountabilty of disease or sids or natural causes as i stated i can not document this in the scriptures but it is my belief because it makes total sense to me

  7. Since there's such things as C-sections now, there's a lot less risk of the mother dying unless she has a heart condition that would significantly worsen while in labor.

  8. Abortion is still murder, unfortunately. So no, I don't think it's okay. That is a horrid situation to be put in and I would understand why someone would decide to abort the baby, but still...

    I agree with Bennie S and Me (not me, but you know, the person, Me-lol). As a friend of mine said, he doesn't know one mother who wouldn't give her life up for her child's.

  9. WAIT! So it's wrong to kill cause u couldn't give the propper care for a baby? But it's perfectly fine to kill just so u don't get killed! WTF! I thought parents would do ANYTHING for their kids? I thought christians were like christianly and beleived to like sacrifice your life for others like Jesus or whoever the h**l it was did???? U FREAKIN' PPL DON"T MAKE ANY SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Christians are g*y! There are no such thing is G-0-D !

    Human's imagination!

  11. thats the only time i think its acceptable, but what mom would save herself then her child??? Jesus died for us and she should die for her kid thats what a real mom would do

  12. I'm atheist but I'll throw in my two cents here, since you do want other peoples opinions, and who's more different from you than an atheist, right?

    I'm pro-choice. I believe that it is the woman's (and father if it was with an consenting adult) should make that choice up until the first trimester or so, that would give them ample time to decide. After that then I find that gross and inhumane. However I realize that it is NOT in my power to choose what others do with their body. It isn't any ones right to tell others what to do as much as I do not have the right to tell you not to get a tattoo, or eat Oreo's, etc. etc.

    I realize that adoption may be the better choice, but admit it, what a woman wants a woman will get come h**l or high water.And I'd rather have a woman be as safe as possible in a clinic than in some back ally with a wire coat hanger, wouldn't you?

    Whether we think it is right or wrong is irrelevant What matters is that it is the woman's (and once again, father's if it is by consenting adults) choice.  

  13. If the mother dies so will the child.

    Psa 139:13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.  

    Psa 139:15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.  

  14. Doesn't the mother always come before the baby during this case?  

  15. Show me one case of this ever. People who are pro choice keep bringing this up but have no case to back it up. They always say "what if?" Not "What about so and so who could have died?"

  16. i don't think that would be wrong.

  17. what makes mom's life more important than the unborn kid?

    how about rape?

    is it ok when someone gets raped to abort?

  18. Jesus gave up His life so that we could live. A mother should do the same for her child.

    Leave it in God`s capable hands. He knows everything.

  19. I believe the Bible says something about that, and I believe the mom is to be saved.

  20. I think that in those instances, the mother would not be held accountable for deciding to terminate the pregnancy.

  21. I'm pro-life, with considerations. What about a teenager with the mind of a five year old? (mentally retardation). Say she was raped and became pregnant, How would you  look at that?Do we sometimes let our beliefs take away our common sense?

  22. What if the baby has hydrocephalus and other physical abnormalities that are so severe that is is unlikely to survive after delivery, and that the T incision in the mother's uterus that would be necessary in order to deliver the baby without injuring it further would leave her unable to ever bear another child?

    This happened to one of my family members.  Would you presume to make that decision for her?

    I'm not required to donate a body part to save the life of a living, born human.  Why should I be required to risk my life or health for one that is still a cluster of cells?

  23. God planted that baby in the mothers womb. He knew what HE was doing when She got pregnant. If it was me I would ask God to take care of both of us and go ahead and have the baby. After all, God is a big God and HE just might save them both!! Id anything too hard for God??

  24. I would agree to that.

  25. Abortion should not be a means of birth control, but when the health or welfare of the mother comes into the equation, it should be her decision and her decision only. If a woman's thirteen year old child tries to kill her, or in an act that is clearly negligent threatens her life, no one criticizes a mother for defending herself. But if a fetus threatens the same woman, it becomes everybody's business. Read Ray Bradbury's short story, "The Smallest Assassin." It will make you think.

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