
Christians for Barack Obama?

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Can you explain to me how a christian can vote for a pro choice presidential candidate and a pro choice vp?




  1. I will try.  This country is based on people having the freedom to their beliefs without religion interfering and vice versa.  Just like a Christian would not want to live in a country where the government can tell them what they can and cannot believe, a non-christian would not want to live in a country where those who believe a certain way because of their religion can tell them what they can and cannot do.  Therefore, although Obama is opposed to abortion, he is pro-choice because he does not feel we should dictate what non-christians can and cannot do.  This is why everyone, including Christians, should be voting for Obama.  I hope this helps.

  2. you will never agree 100% with a candidate. ever. you just have to make the better judgment. so really, no one can help you.  

  3. Can you explain how a person can call themselves "pro-life" and follow the commandment, "thou shall not kill" and be in favor of the death penalty?

    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!

  4. We will all have to answer for our behavior at some point, but no, I can't see it.

  5. so if neither one completely qualify Christian's value, all Christians should not vote?

  6. NoBama 08

  7. I know quite a few predominate Christians that are supporting Barack Obama... but if any Christian is like me it's not abortion they are voting for... it's everything else...

    We as Christians (at least the ones that I talk with and associate myself with) do not like or agree with abortion... but that doesn't mean we are going to try and change it higher up... even though people love to think this... we are more concerned with people more on a personal level because that is where our message gets heard the most...

    But again 9/10 times it's not about abortion or even the pro-choice movement... :/

  8. some people understand that the entire nation doesn't have their same belief system.

    it is called pro-choice because it is an individual choice.  if you are a christian you can choose how ever you wish, just like anyone else.

  9. How can a Christian vote for a person who wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years?

  10. I never thought it was against the Christian Church to have a mind of your own..."choice", being the key word.  Choosing to have an abortion is up to the person and God, don't you think?  Or, maybe you don't and is the reason why you're asking this question...

  11. I dont know can you explain how a true christian can vote for:


    -Committed adultery.

    -Had a divorce

    -Has a current wife (#2) who has been in and out of rehab more than Lohan for being addicted to pain killers


    -Addmitted weed smoker

    -Daughter sexually active and pregnant before marriage

    -Husband with a DUI

    Also you might want to review your boy McCain's history on his views of Roe V. Wade he was once very opposed to overturning it.

  12. There are such things as "liberal" Christians. I know some.

  13. what does that have to do with being a Christian?? I'm confused, is it because people think that Christians are not supposed to believe in pro-choice?? Well I'm a Christian and I am pro- choice!! But I really dont like to mix religion and politics...

  14. Because they understand as a Christian, you do not force your beliefs on others.

    I am anti-abortion, but I will not force that choice on someone that does not believe the same as I.

    Christians like you make Christians like me look bad.  Trust me people, we aren't all this intolerant.  Only a select few.

  15. separation of church and state

    if this was an islamic country we wouldn't have a choice but since this is the land of the free and the home of the brave

    Jesus him self would tell you to shut up and just give caesar his due

  16. In reality those that call themselves Christian should never vote for a pro-choice candidate since only God can create life. There are many people, even in the Catholic Church that thinks that abortion is OK.

    We send our troops into other countries that are committing genocide yet we allow essentially the same thing here with abortion to the tune of nearly 50,000,000 abortions since Roe vs Wade.

    Some how pro-choice people do not seem to realize that they already made a choice when they decided to have s*x with someone, the infant inside of them is innocent and yet becomes the victim of yet a second choice.

    Today we have DNA, the usage of this would prove that the baby has different DNA than the mother and that it is in fact a human being and not just tissue.

  17. I am a proud Christian and I am for McCain all the way!!!

  18. because Jesus taught us to love our neighbors

  19. Christians are just like most other Americans in the fact that they are naive and have no idea what is going on in d.c. Otherwise, none would support mccain, either.

  20. don't vote.

    how are guys pro-life?

    you guys don't even have the baby..

    so you have zero say on what a women can do with her body.

    some 'christians' feel so entitled.

  21. They make up their own minds. *gasps* Shocking.

  22. When they are puzzled by the opponent's non-committal attitude towards faith.

  23. Because everyone should have rights. Its not the government to say what a mother can or cant do with her body. Its up to god. Me, as a Christian looks at it that god gives us choices. He is not our puppermaster. We choose to live right or wrong. If they ban abortion then they can ban every other sin. Plus the republicans aren’t going to ban abortion. It never happens. So it doesn’t even mater.  

  24. race >> religion -- why else would black church going Baptist folks keep voting Democrat. Exit polls show over and over that Dems get 95%+ of the black vote and yet most abortions are of black babies. Which is how Maggie Sanger wanted it (Ms Eugenics).

  25. Jeremiah Wright is ok with it. Apparently the christian left thinks having any black man become president is more important than religious issues.

  26. If you comprehend the bible you will find that Jesus is all about a person having the right to make a choice...that doesn't mean that you have to abort the child it's just that you have the option to do so.

    I got one for you as can a christian execute someone...hmm?

  27. No, i cant explain that.

  28. Because I believe lying to the American people and taking us into war out weighs Abortion

  29. go to a voting booth..I guess

  30. That is his opinion ... you can still have your own.

  31. It's not my choice to make for someone else.

    There are too many uncertainties in a pregnancy to draw a line in the sand and say abortion is wrong.  What happens when a mother's life is in danger?  What happens when the child has a potentially fatal birth defect?  

    I personally know of at least two people (Christians) who have had late term abortions because their child did not have a fully formed brain.  Are you going to tell them that you have thought longer and harder about their choice?  These people had children they loved and stable families.  They were just unlucky enough to be given a child without a chance of living.

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