
Church dream?

by Guest65106  |  earlier

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I saw that i went in to the church (i'm christian orthodox) so te church was orthodox too, and then i kissed the wooden saint pictures that orthodox have with Jesus Christ and Holy Mary.And then i lit a candle to the name of Christ and Holy Mary asking and praying to be healthy.

What do you think that this means?




  1. It merely seems like you are wanting to better yourself. "Healthy" could mean a variety of things. You could be ill or disabled, and want that fixed. You could be sad, and want a "healthy" mood. You could be in a bad situation (illegal activities, no job, alone, etc.), and want a "healthy" (in this case "normal") life.

    Find what's wrong in your life and move to fix it.

    If you have further questions, please email me at

    Hope this helped.

  2. Man proposes...........God disposes.

  3. you worried about your health...maybe there's some problems with your'll do anything to have a health body...

  4. It is nothing more than your Christian ritual popping up in your dream. nothing symbolic to it.
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