
Civil Disobedience and 8 year olds

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I'm doing a project and I need to describe civil disobedience to an 8 year old...any ideas please...




  1. Like above, speaking about the lives of Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, Rosa Parks, or the Boston Tea Party would all be good. However, I would mention the definition on their level. I would say that there are times when governments pass laws that are unfair and unjust; but since these people believe that ALL men have rights to life, liberty, property, etc., they believe that they shouldn't harm the governors who passed the unfair laws. In other words, they believe they don't have to follow the unjust laws, and they do it in a way that doesn't hurt anyone. But it is also important to mention, that many times people who participate in Civil Disobedience often go to prison or get in trouble for it... and may have to wait a long time before the unfair law is corrected.

  2. Talk about the life of Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr. Talk about the fight against apartheid in South Africa.  There are lots of examples of civil disobedience that even an 8-year-old could relate to.

  3. Devise a game about the issue to demonstrate the effectiveness of civil disobedience.

    After the game explain how it was applied in history.

    An idea for a game is as follows:

    Place a six foot table in the front of the classroom with room for one person to stand behind it. Place four chairs in front of the table.

    Pick a student to be the 'School Soda-Shop Server'. This student stands behind the 'Counter' which is the folding table.

    Line the rest of the students up and 'randomly' give them all the green 3x5 cards with instructions on them. Tell the students to keep their card secret and not share it with their neighbors. The cards should say 'Redeem for one soda at the Soda-Shop' and 'You are a minority and not allowed to patronize this Soda-Shop'. As the Minorities leave you , the teacher, give them a new card that says 'Sit down and refuse to leave.'  They are then sent to the end of the line. There should be more mostly redeem cards. As the majority of students redeem their cards, they get another redeem card. There should be 1/3 of the total cards should be minority cards.

    Tell the Server his goal is to collect as many green 'money' cards as possible.

    After the cycle is started, most of the class will have completed a transaction, and a minority of the class will not have. The first 4 minorities to get to the 'Soda Shop' the second time will block all commerce and give you an example of a sit in.

    After the line stops moving, and all the seats are filled, you can end the game and give a lesson on civil disobeinece and they will have a practicle experience to reflect on while you teach.

  4. one is anarchy and a group is a revolt.

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