
Clairvoyant or psychic reader? question...?

by Guest64980  |  earlier

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When will Matt S. 7/3/72 and I {9/25/75} meet? Does he love me or like me as a friend?

Did Matt get my birthday gift to him? Does he like it at all?

Whe will I get a thank you from Matt for his gift? Will I get a birthday gift from him? If so when and what will it be?

Thanks:)...don't answer my questions with lectures/judgements




  1. One question per customer.

  2. k well 1st im not sure of that 1 but i feel lyk u will meet very soon... 2ndhe lyks u as a frind but as u guys get to know each other he will lyk  more and more... 3rd well he lyked the gift jus t not that much... and he will give u the thanks soon... he will give u a gift 4 ur b-day to... well he will give u something that he thinks u will lyk.... i wont tell u cuz it will be special....i hope i lyk the answers.... thatis wat i have seen... and if u dont well to bad...>_<

  3. u r a piscean rat he a rabbit virgo both friebnly yet changeable  and unpredictable change if u can

  4. Matt is going to be getting a transgender operation soon. He's been too shy to tell you. But he's going to be a woman.

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