
Class video project question?

by  |  earlier

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I want to use Windows Movie Maker to splice together some student videos. I have done video editing before, but I'm wondering if WMM has these features:

1. separate video/sound editing: can i change the sound track for a video? can i take the sound from one video and dub it to a new video?

2. changing size: right now the videos are mammoth. can WMM make them smaller to save space?

3. can wmm do basic fades, titles, captions and edits?

In a worst-case scenario, if i can just splice them together, that would be fine.




  1. i don't use windows movie maker, but...

    1) no idea, but worth a try

    2) the final export file for WMM is a windows media format. as such all the videos that make up the composition will be converted accordingly and you will end up with a small(er) overall file

    3) simple answer, yes

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