
Cleaning Stalls While Pregnant?

by Guest55712  |  earlier

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Does anyone know if it's safe for me to be cleaning my horses stalls while I am pregnant? I have my 4 at home and clean them daily. Any input would be appreciated.




  1. it is safe. just get some help is there is any around

    be careful and dont get kicked. dont do all of them normaly, get some help that could clean them.

  2. Totally safe, unless you're picking up really heavy bags of shavings. I tried to convince my husband that it was bad for me, but he was unconvinced. We were splitting 70 stalls between us!

    I had to stop driving the tractor though - my belly wouldn't fit behind the wheel!

  3. I think the consequences of getting kicked or slammed to the ground are too high to just say "this is safe". Are the horses in there when you're doing your work? Just put them out before cleaning the stalls and shut them out so they aren't bothering you while you're working. If you're married, make your husband do it ;)



  4. As long as you are not lifting heavy manure carts, hay bales, water buckets, etc, you should be fine- though most of the women I know who are pregnant usually can't stand the smells of manure, urine, and ammonia for very long without getting sick or fainting. Just be sure that you take your horses out of the stalls prior to cleaning them, so as to avoid a kick injury if they become startled.

    BTW: To Jeff- When I was working in this business, I used to clean stalls with the horses in them all the time- it's an accepted, common, expected practice in many parts of this business, and ALL of my employers except one REQUIRED their employees to do this. There was NOTHING STUPID about either them or about what I was doing- I had to do it to make a living, and I will thank you NOT to insult me and everyone else here who has had to do the same thing at one time or another- and there are plenty of people here who are or were just like me. You may be a vet, but you have A LOT TO LEARN about human nature, Jeff. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Enough said.

  5. Exposure to inhaled ammonia has never been shown to produce toxicity to the developing fetus, so if it isn't bothering you (irritation of respiratory tract) it's not a problem.  If you were showing respiratory symptoms, it wouldn't be wise to keep on exposing yourself while you are pregnant. The dust from stall bedding increases the infiltration of ammonia into your lung tissues, which isn't good for anyone, but is worse when you are providing the oxygen to your growing baby.

    The other thing to remember is that your balance may not be up to par, so just be more careful while you work.

  6. You should be fine  as long as you aren't actually mauling yourself about.

    Cat litter is the dodgy one.

  7. no, you usually you can't be around large animals (even dogs) when your preggo because if they kick you... you and your baby could get hurt. i understand that you trust these animals but you don't want to take a chance.

  8. Horses do not typically carry diseases that can also affect humans.  So you should be fine.  Just don't over work yourself.

    I would like to know who is silly enough to clean stalls (or think you clean them) with the horses still in them.  Sort of silly when the horse is constantly in the way if you try that.

  9. Yes, it is safe. Actually you should be cleaning the stall every day and putting down lots of fresh shavings so the mare is comfortable will giving birth, and so the foal isnt born on hard ground.

    Hope i helped!

  10. It should be safe unless you're lifting lots of really heavy things (buckets of water and poo, bags of shavings). If you're 7 or 8 months pregnant I wouldn't do it at all, but you should ask your doctor

  11. It is safe but remember the most dangerous horse in the barn is the one you trust.If they get spooked your not going to move as fast

  12. It is good exercise.  I have even riden while pregnant.

  13. As long as you're not overexerting yourself, it's fine.

    I don't recommend picking heavy objects up, though.

    Like muck buckets, which (as you probably know) get very heavy.


  14. Cleaning stalls shouldn't be a problem, but stay away from the cat's litter box!

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