
Cleaning inside nose piercing?

by  |  earlier

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is there any way to clean the inside of my nose piercing? i have been using antibacterial soap and sea salt soaks on the outside, but not the inside. is this enough? if not, how can i properly clean the inside?




  1. to properly clean the inside, you should take ur sea salt solution, dip a Q-tip in the sea salt solution, hold down your piercing from the outside while cleaning teh area inside of your nose.

    this youtube video shows how to clean the inside at one part of the video, you should watch it, it helped me a lot.

  2. I origainally only cleaned the outside of my nose piercing and sure enough it got really infected...  Well not so much infected but i had a 'pressure blister' which really screwed up my nose and made me get an infection a little later... which i still have...

    Anyway i went back to the piercing shop and they basically said there isnt much point in only cleaning the outside because the inside is the bit that really needs to be cleaned...

    You will have to start doing this and i find the easiest way to do this is to put the anti-bacterial soap on a cotton tip up your nose and kinda surround the ring with that (which i do in the shower so i can rinse it out easily...)

    Then i put this spray stuff (like an alternative to using sea salt..) on a cotton tip and put that up my nose like the anti bacterial soap... i do this twice a day...

    Whatever you do you have to clean the inside well or else you will probably get infected...



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