
Clomid Miscarriage Risk?

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I just started by first cycle of clomid (fingers crossed) & I have been reading about it online. I've come across a lot of sites that say it ups your risk for miscarriage and others that say the opposite. Has anyone spoken to their doc about the risk?




  1. I was on Clomid for six cycles and spoke with both my GP and RE about it.  As far as I'm aware there are no increased risks of MC.  Best of luck and baby dust to you!

  2. Sorry to say this but it sounds like a miscarriage to me

    Thats how miscarriage started

  3. I tried Clomid for 4 cycles and asked my doctor . . . he told me that the real risk was taking Clomid when you were pregnant already . . . and that is why it was so important for me to get a blood test before starting my next cycle . . .

    Hope this helps!

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