
Clomid vs. Injectables?!?

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So I did 5 rounds of Clomid. I never had a follicle get over 10mm. I am told it needs to be at least 18mm to take the Ovidrel Trigger shot. So I am not moving on to injectables. Follistim to be exact. My RE seems to think that this will work since my only problem is ovulation. I have PCOS. Everything else is fine. He all but guaranteed it which I know he can't do. He says that it may take a few more days of injections than normal however and that I would be at risk for Hyper-stimulation but that he will monitor me very very carefully. Also we do not need an IUI as my husbands sperm count is very very healthy.

So my questions are this:

1. Has anyone had zero follicle development with Clomid and gotten pregnant with injectables?

2. If so, how long did it take you and how many follicles matured?

3. If you got pregnant was it with multiples?

4. If you had multiples how many follicles were mature?

Thanks to everyone in advance. This is all so overwhelming it will just help to here from someone who has been through it.




  1. My husband and I concieved our son naturally (no drugs) back in 06" our first try to boot! #2 is proving to be more difficult! Since having my son my cycles have been so irregular my OB put me on Clomid I did that for 3 months I detected ovulation every month but didn't concieve. She has put me on Femara this month she said it is stronger than Clomid. I don't know if that is an option for you? I just thought since its supposidly stronger than clomid it might give you more of a boost so to speak. Good Luck and baby dust to you!

  2. i have PCOS too for 10 yrs. now...and husband has a marginal sperm count

    answers to your questions:

    1. I HAD NEVER responded to clomid. i went from 50 mg-150 mg. and still nothing happens. and yes i got pregnant the first cycle i had the follistim injectibles last january but ended in a chemical pregnancy...i got pregnant again on the second cyle of follistim injectibles last may and now im 14w3d pregnant w/ # 1 after TTC for 24 mos.

    2. the first cyle (january)- i got 2 matured follicle w/ a size of 18mm each ovaries.  i took 75 IU of follistim for 5 days (with ultrasound to monitor) before they gave me the trigger shot then 24 hrs, later my first IUI.

        the second cycle that i got pregnant (may)- i only got 1 matured follicle w/ a size of 19mm on my left ovary. i took 75 IU of follistim injectibles for 7 days, 50 IU for 2 days and 25 IU a day prior to my trigger shot..the night of my trigger shot we do the timed intercourse with our first try of preseed (It was supposed to be my 2nd IUI but my RE cancelled it because they dont do IUI on weekend->its a military facility (infertility treatments are free for military couple so we're lucky that the only thing that we spend were gas and food and hotel because we're driving 5 hrs. everytime we go to that big navy facility)..sacrifices paid off ;)

    3. I got pregnant w/ a single baby

    4. i only carry single baby right now...

    goodluck on your treatment..i know sometimes you want to give up but trust me sacrifices really paid off...i know,, i've been there and done that...hope everything went well...

  3. I as well have PCOS and I did 2 rounds of Clomid (100 and 150) with no results. I also did a round of femera with no results.

    I did injectables for 5 days and had nothing, but they upped me for 3 more days and I had 3 for sure eggs mature and one that was a possibility.  

    I am in my tww now and take a blood test in the morning.

    The injectables are not hard at all and I had no side effects on them and the Finally worked!

    Good Luck  

  4. OMG! I feel like I was the one who posted this question on here. I have also done 6 rounds of clomid. With the highest dose being 150. I have PCOS and my RE said that my body is very resistant to the Clomid. She has recommended that I move on to injectables and IUI. I am so afraid that I will spend all this money and put so much emotion into it and then come to find out I still didn't ovulate. I don't ovulate at all. I hope we get some answers from people saying they had good results. I have a friend who just started taking the injectables only to find out she still wasnt responding, they have upped her dosage and I havent heard back from her lately. Be back to check on the posting soon.  

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