
Closed loop CO2?

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LMAO... the other CO2 was imported from Mars? [in response to phyzziks is funn]




  1. A spokesman for the Royal Society, Britain's leading scientific academy, said: "At present there is a small minority which is seeking to deliberately confuse the public on the causes of climate change.

    "They are often misrepresenting the science, when the reality is that the evidence is getting stronger every day.

    "We have reached a point where a failure to take action to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions would be irresponsible and dangerous."

  2. No.  It was buried by the natural carbon cycle over many thousands of years.

    We dig it up and burn it, real fast.  That's a stupid thing to do, given what we now know.

    Someday our children will curse us for having been so stupid.  Especially when we were warned by the best scientists in the world.

  3. If you'rer asking what closed loop CO2 is, it is CO2 recirculated in nature.  CO2 is taken in from the air by plants where it is converted to glucose and oxygen through photosynthesis.  We and other animals eat plants (directly and indirectly), taking in the glucose, and breathe in oxygen.  Both are converted back into CO2 in the bodies of animals and humans, which is expelled back into the air, where it is once again taken in by plants, restarting this part of the carbon cycle.  In another part of the carbon cycle, CO2 is absorbed into the oceans, where it is converted into carbonates by marine animals (eg. corals).  These carbonates, over millions of years, form various rocks and minerals, including limestone, chalk, marl and dolomite.  Rainwater, which has some CO2 absorbed into it making it weakly acidic, react with these rocks (dissolution), releasing CO2 back into the air where it is absorbed into oceans again to restart this part of the cycle, and to initiate the other part of the cycle, where the CO2 from the dissolution process is also absorbed by plants.  In another leg of the carbon cycle, CO2 that had been absorbed by plants and (indirectly) animals through photosynthesis becomes trapped when the organisms die.  Over time, the organisms decay, releasing the CO2 in the form of methane and other gases which are converted to CO2 in the air.  After eons, the decaying process creates oil and other fossil fuels which eventually release CO2, in one form or another, into the air, and CO2 is also released from volcanoes into the air. This CO2 is then absorbed into oceans and plants, where each and every leg of the carbon cycle begins again.  In nature, CO2 never escapes this massive cycle, however, industrial development created a way out, allowing the CO2 to accumulate in the air through constant combustion from factories and vehicles, preventing much of it from being recycled in the carbon cycle.  This has led to the greenhouse effect, which in turn has led to global warming.

  4. No, just trapped in fossil fuels for millions of years.  Try reading about the natural carbon cycle sometime instead of mocking people for knowing more about a subject than you do.

    *edit* My wife drives the Prius to work.  Plus biking and electric scooter are more environmentally friendly than even the Prius, which is an absolutely awesome car.
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