
Closing Stipulations.......?

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I am in the process of purchasing a home and everything that has been requested of me has been submitted. I turned in all recent pay stubs and bank statements on Wednesday of last week. The appraisal was completed and turned in last Wednesday as well. I was told that the loan has been processed and is in underwriting. My broker stated that we should receive the stipulations if any on Tuesday next week. What should I expect as far as stipulations are concerned? What more will they need? Thanks for the help.




  1. Usually it just means the lender wants some documentation that was overlooked. Normally, when it gets this far you're already approved. They just want to dot every I and cross every T.

    I just went through this and they wanted a 2nd appraisal (at the lender's expense). It's no big deal. Lenders just want to make sure their money is safe.

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