
Cmon, we're almost there...?

by  |  earlier

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YELL as loud as you can because preseason in less than a month away! YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you do that for hockey right now?

This summer, have you been more or less or the same about missing hockey?




  1. AWESOME!!!! You found a real life grand theft auto clip. LOL

    Personally I would do a fat chick if that is what its going to take for the hockey season to start. LOL

  2. More, I've been really ansey. I can't wait any longer, I want the season to start already.

  3. right now i'm really anxious for hockey to start. any change i can take, i start up a conversation about hockey.. lol even if the person isn't even a fan.

  4. ive felt the effects of hockey withdrawal a lot more this year, mainly becuase of the caps 1st playoff appearance in 5 years and how it ended and so muc expectations for the comming season ITS KILLING ME!! but i started some on ice training today so i see the light at the end of the tunnel.  

    and no i wouldnt do that, thats dumb

  5. psst!

    DROP THE PUCK !!!!!

    (Don't mind the avatar, there's still a little bit of BWF in me.....)

  6. No I would not do that right now or ever for that matter. That guy was lucky.

    I play hockey all year round. I have been playing three times a weeks. So no real withdrawals for me. Had a game tonight just got home. We lost 3-1 but it was a good hard game.  

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