
Cockatiel??? PLEASE HELP ME!

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I bought my cockatiel about a week ago and he is about 4-6 months old. He sneezes alot...and I can't figure out why! It's starting to stress me out..I really love him and I don't want him to get sick...

He is also making strange noises...not little chirps but like lower pitched, scratchy sounds. I'm wondering if this is a sign of irritation or just random...thanks so much! 10 points to best answer :)




  1. Do you have  and scents around, candles perfume. whatever. Don't put him in the kitchen there is too many toxic smells in there.  If he keeps that up, maybe you should check with a vet.  I had Cockatiels and I don't remember them sneezing excessively.

  2. Because he's in a new environment he's already stressed and this could compromise his immune system.  Birds sneeze from time to time and you'll want to make sure he doesn't have any drainage from his nares or his eyes.  

    I never hurts to get them checked out and all birds should have a well-bird checkup at least annually by your Avian Vet so if the strange noises and sneezing are a concern then do take him to the vet.

    Be careful not to wait to long because birds are masters of hiding illness and by the time the symptoms of an obvious (and not so obvious) illness appear, it's usually too late.

    Another thing to consider is his hygeine.  If he's never had a bath in a shallow dish or even a spray bottle he may have an excessive amount of dander and it could be irritating him.  That or he could have been exposed to an allergen/irritant in the recent past.

    Either way, when in doubt have him seen by your vet.

  3. The strange little sounds you hear him doing seem like "grinding" seed.  Since birds have no teeth they grind up the seeds they've swallowed against gravel they store in their throat.  You can especially hear this at night when the bird's covered up and everything's quiet.

    As for sneezing I'd be careful not to keep him in a draft.  Sneezing isn't good and drafts are bad for birds.  Don't worry as long as his nostrils aren't wet.

  4. Don't worry... this is probably perfectly normal. He might be stressed, too...maybe because animals can sense human stress. Make sure he's kept in a nice warm place, has cool water to drink, food to eat and that he's really comfortable before you handle him a lot. Put a blanket over his cage at night (a light one in summer, a thicker but not to thick one in winter) If it continues take him to the vet but remember DON'T STRESS. IT'LL STRESS HIM!

    I hope I helped! =D

  5. Sounds to me like the normal souds they make. Make sure his cage is not in a draft. Cover it with a light sheet at night. Make sure it's eating and drinking.

    DON"T STRESS or you will stress your bird!

  6. Listen, do not panic I have a cockatiel that will not shut up.  Was it hatched by someone as an egg?  Then as a baby bird they repeat everything they here as a baby but when they get older, they repeat wat they heard.  If you are really worried take him to the vet.  And explain everything you told me to him/her  Remember little cockatiels dont whistle thing that older birds do.  I mean,  there arent gonna whistle "Pretty bird"  unless you whistle it to them and teach it to them.  They will probably just whistle "Shhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"  (they won't say that it will just sound like that)  as babys.  

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