
Cockatiel behavior?

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I am very confused. I bought a cockatiel in November. He was very aggressive and afraid. I don't think he was previously cared for. I worked hard with him to not be afraid. After a while he would waddle over and bow his head to be rubbed. I just love him. I got my three kids and my husband to do it. The strange thing is a few months ago, he decided to only prefer my husband and my 15 year old son. Every single time they go to his cage, he comes over an puts his head down. Then I do it and he walks away. I take care of him and I sit next to his cage for the longest time just talking to him and can't understand why he prefers them. Any insight wold be helpful. I am very upset.




  1. I feel your pain.  My cockatiel was like that.  I was the only one who took care of him, home all day with him and lots of love to give.  My husband hated the bird and the kids ignored him unless I told them to pay attention to him, and I was the only person he really hated.  The kids would come in and he would go nuts wanting to talk to them.  My husband would tell him to shut up most days, and on the rare occasion he felt like holding him the bird would just melt in his hands...

    Eventually, when I walked around the room when the bird was out of the cage and he'd dive bomb my head and attack my face.  I am SO not kidding!  Sick of looking at me I guessed.  In the beginning he loved me, always wanted to be on me, we'd talk and cuddle all day long, then he became very unpredictable.  I needed my kids to save me from him so he couldn't come out of the cage unless they were home (which is rare because they're teenagers).  But if he was in the cage he'd scream until he was let out.

    I was told that he chose me as his mate and because I wasn't mating with him, that's why he became aggressive with me.  He wasn't happy...I was scared to death of him.  I rehomed him and he's happy now.  

    Anyway, be glad you're only being snubbed.  A cockatiel attack to the face is no picnic.

  2. well hunny birds sometimes tend to favor certain people it is nothing against you at all. they all have different personalities and sometimes they will be drawn to certain people. it's not a reflection upon you in any way. you all take great care of the bird and you all love him too. did a great job with him as well. be proud of the fact you got him to socialize with and bond with your family. maybe you should sit further away and relax a little bit. he doesn't have to come to you because he's got you coming to him. you see now....he's got you wrapped around his claw hunny! :) he loves you i am sure. try not to be so sad.....look at what you have done for him & he is social, smart and happy.

  3. Birds change as they grow up, particularly as they sexually mature.  Nobody knows why one particular bird prefers one person over another.  If you bought a different bird, it might love you and attack the men.

    It might not like the smell or taste of your hand cream, lotion, dishsoap, cleanser, or perfume.  Maybe it's something as simple as your favorite shampoo. I assume you thought of that already.  If not, think of what makes your hands different from your husband's hands.

    Who knows why my dog prefers to sleep under one particular bush? He's not saying "the rest of your yard is a dump", that's just his preference.

    The bird isn't saying "you're a bad person".  He's not capable of the higher thought processes you are.  It's very common for a cockatiel to prefer some people for no apparent reason.  That doesn't mean they are bad people.

    Remember, the bird isn't making a value judgment.  He's not capable.

  4. If you're trying to tame your bird, I do NOT recomend getting a second bird. In most cases, two or more birds will only make them meaner to people and nicer to eachother.

    Birds are flocking animals. If you have on bird, YOU are the flock, and the friend. But if you have two birds, then they are the flock, and you are the enemy.

    Sadly, most birds are one people birds. My white eyed conure LOVES me, she will let me reach in and pet her and play with her wings and everything. But if ANYBODY else goes near the cage, she screams and screams. Then if they try to touch her or stick their hand in her cage, she attacks thems.

    The only thing I would recomend would be to try to spend more time with your cockatiel and limit the time your husband and son can spend with him. That sounds kinda mean, but as long as they are giving him the attention he wants, he has no need for you

  5. I have a cockatiel  too, hes pretty funny, he copys the whistles that we do and creates his own.  maybe your cockatiel is afraid of ur hair or somthing.. who knows

  6. Have you only the one cockatiel?

    When we got our first one, she did exactly the same thing. She paired off with my Mam and was not interested in me and was biting me hard.

    So we paid for a fully hand tamed one to partner her. When she (the cokatiel) seen this new bird on me, she wasn't pleased and started to show a lot more interest in me.

    An extra cockatiel is no extra hassle either if it is hand tame :P

    Hope that helps.
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