
Cockroaches in my dream

by  |  earlier

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i dreamt there was exactly 9 of those huge cockroaches in my room and was killing them all. i was terrified..i hate roaches. and there were 3 dead people. one was hanged out of my window...what does this mean?




  1. For one 3 is your number or the derivative  of....the cockroaches are a warning of influences around you....if the dead people where not that you could identify then it may be a inheritance of benefit but not necessarily direct but of benefit

  2. roaches usually represent  unclean spirits, hidden sin, or infestation.

    Death represents change.  Are you in the process of getting rid of

    an aspect of your life that's not good?  It looks like from the dream that  you are making positive changes in your life; or the dream is showing you the need to do so.

  3. There isn't a meaning for every dream you have. Some dreams are just a bunch of scrambled up thoughts thrown together in no particular order. And some are created by outside stimulus such as a TV or a Radio left on. Or someone talking within hearing distance. Dreams can also be created by biological problems such as needing to take a dump or indigestion. Just to mention a few.  

    So don't let your dreams mess with your head.

    Sleep well.

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