
Coffee or beer?

by  |  earlier

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you are at a race track at 6 in the morning do you go for coffee or slam down an ice cold budweiser!

i have been know to grab a beer but i perfer coffee if it is available!




  1. Coffee.  God admonishes us to not consort with those who are drunk. That's why Richard Petty never allows an alcohol sponsor on his cars.

  2. BEER BONGS!!!!!

  3. 6 a.m.? wow, as good as a beer sounds, that early would just put me back to sleep!! So i guess i have to go with coffee!!

  4. Oh boy. I can't drink that early. I would go with mt.dew! I wouldn't want to start drinking that early anyway. My luck I would be too intoxicated to enjoy the race.

  5. I Agree with Rock u like a Huri-Kahne Kasey

    Mountain Dew All the way

  6. Coffee...especially when the fresh brewed aroma fills the air.

  7. it really depends on the night before.  beer isn't my idea of a 6am drink either way.

    Me personally, i drink mt dew from sunUP to sunDN

  8. Easy one for me you might think by my name here but the fact is I already had my few too many and would take the coffee in the morning and during the race if it were only that or beer. Besides! Why would I pay so much to go and see the mens room all day and a little bit of the race anyway? Oh and those beer lines!!!!! Yikes!!!!!

  9. BOTH!!!!!!

  10. no coffee at the racetrack....only acceptable drinks are beer,beer,beer,beer,and(almost forgot)beer!!!!!

  11. coffee

  12. Coffee, I don't like beer and I never have.

  13. - What time is it ?

  14. id saya beer but you know under 21 WHATEVS (lol just kidding)

    water the biggest thing i can carry (to last me all day) or a soda...wat you said 6 AM!! then i would drink a 2 litter of mountain dew!! or to choose one coffee but NOT black ew but at home water and what ever snack seems good at the time!!! cuz i cant do nuthin when its racin time :)

  15. coffee to wake up cause I'm so not a morning person and then hit the beer!!!

  16. COFFEE!!


  17. under the circumstance of being at a race i'll say beer but just sittin around at home or something i'd go with coffee.

  18. you can accomplish a lot more in life if you don't drink alcohol, especially in motorsports or anything that has to do with the automotive industry, or machines. If your a drinker and give me a thumbs down, that's just your conscience plaguing you, because all y'all know i'm right.

  19. I would have to go with coffe, because if that first beer goes down smooth, than I will keep drinking them and by the time the race starts I'll be too drunk to enjoy the race.  Now starting to drink an hr before the race is a different story.

  20. 6 am and at a race track. It's to early for beer and to late for coffee, give me a Bloody Mary.

  21. In my younger days??... I'd dump the Michelob Lite that I slept with, in the infield the nite before... and grab a Dr.Pepper and the doobish !!!

  22. Well since I am a bit older and wiser I'll have to go with an ice cold beer.

  23. Kegs and eggs baby..

  24. beer breckfest of nascar fans

  25. d@mn, i've been up all night again.  i'll have a propel fitness water please...

    i don't like coffee and i'm allergic to alcohol - it makes me break out in handcuffs...


  26. I can't drink beer, so I am gonna go with COFFEE!

  27. coffee for the first thing.  No beer until noon for me.

  28. T-bone you crack me up, kegs and  First of all living out here in Calif, I'm not a morning person at all, race day comes on to early for me, I set my coffee pot the night before I need my caffeine, except this past Sunday I downed a Amp overdrive as I totally over slept...In my younger days heck I'd hit the bud but now I need my caffeine..Then by noon I hit the corona lights....

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  29. Yes!!!!!!

    Coffee AND Beer.

    Gives you the buzz, but you won't fall asleep.

    Remember "Buzz Beer" from the Drew Carey Show....LOL

    Personally, I don't drink at the tracks. I gotta drive home.....

    At home I might have 1, MAYBE.....

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