
Coffee shop workers??

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what are some weird orders people have or suggestions for drinks?




  1. I tried that drink once and it gave me twice the heartburn .

  2. I drink my coffee black with a splash of lime juice

  3. Man...the weirdest coffee order I have ever seen was when someone ordered decaf.

  4. oh,  i've had all kinds of weird orders in my years of working in coffee shops.  

    someone always came in and wanted me to make her a latte with her own milk she brought from home,  which was a little odd.  

    strawberry and cream blended beverage with 2 shots of espresso.  

    italian sodas with half and half.  

    there are  a bunch more,  even weirder ones,  but i can't think of them off the top of my head.

  5. I worked as a barista long ago and a drink I made for a particular person was 3/4 house coffee and 1/4 fresh squeezed orange juice.  At first I thought it sounded disgusting but when I tried it it turned out to be pretty good.
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