Although I'm married, I've been in a platonic relationship that has the potential of moving forward. (My husband and I are just about to call it quits... We hardly communicate, is never home, and doesn't even to call to say hello to his daughters.)
This person has children as well and we're in a class situation where he and I, and his children and my children interact on an almost daily basis. (There are other people in these classes and they have no idea that we're attracted to each other.)
The point? Lots of strange coincidences?
*Although we have very different schedules outside of this class, we run into each other in public AT LEAST once a week. Both of us with our children in tow.
*Soon after getting to know each other a little better, I found out that he lives less than a block away from me.
*His house is the exact model as mine but mirror image. (There are very few 2-story houses in our community. I feel lucky!)
*My husband is "absent", his wife is "absent".
*He is a perfect example of "Mr. Mom" and I've lived as a "single mom" for years now. (My husband works graveyards.)
*He does not go by his given name... but, well into our friendship, I found out his given name is almost exactly the same as my high school sweetheart's name... Just to be careful, I can't tell you what it is but it is NOT a common name.
* I found out that his birthday is the same day as my high school sweetheart... I nearly fainted with that one.
*Out of the blue, his daughter and my daughters began calling each other "sister".
Just to clarify, we don't see each other on the side and are rarely in a situation that we are not in class. My best friend has observed our interactions and is convinced that we are a "Brady Bunch waiting to happen".
Any ideas?