
Cold stone??

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know the website to apply online

and if u have any other ideas for a job for a fifteen year old




  1. Do NOT work at Cold Stone whatever you do.  I worked there for about 5 months and couldn't take it anymore.  They make you sing stupid songs and clean the bathroom.  You hardly ever get to be out front mixing the ice cream.  Also, it will make you hate ice cream for the rest of your life.


  3. Just about any fast food restaurant.

  4. I had the same problem, but i work at one of the swim clubs in the kitchen, most of those sort of places hire 15 year olds. Plus it always helps if you know someone who works somewhere ask them for a reference

  5. I am 15, I do lots of babysitting which is great, i also do other stuff like watering plants, walking dogs and caring for other pets while people are the way. The best way to work is to organize your own business. You could also sell books online and take profit from it. Ask friends for books and give them a percentage of what you sell.

  6. boys and girls club?
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