
Collection agencies?

by  |  earlier

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My daughter like most got themself into a bad situation with credit cards. She went to care one and has just about paid off her debt. She had several that would not go along with this. My daughter offered to pay but not what they wanted. Now one has been turned over to a collection. They called and pressure her to pay 200. the agreement was not complete. She had me to call and offer to pay 50.00 they refused. They were told not to take any money out of her account. On Thursday they tried to take 200.00 out of her account even after they were told not to take any money out. They did not have permission to do this. My daughter contacted her bank and they tried a debt withdraw. I called and told them if they tried this again it would be turned over to the bank's fraud div. He made a threat to sue. I told him do whatever but they did not have permission to take any money out of her account and the bank had been notified. So even when you offer to make a payment they refuse what you offer




  1. That is illegal and you were right to do what you did.  They however may take you to court but even the court will allow you to make payments of reasonable amounts so just let them.   Keep telling them that yes, you want to go to court.  I think they will then start accepting payments.

  2. Well for me they kept calling saying that "we make the rules because we have the account." I said I have the money, i make the rules. They hung up. They called the next day asking for payment in full still. I said nope take 35% or take nothing my statue of limitations is almost up in a few months so it will be your loss. they said no. i said fine, bye. the next day they called and accepted 50% which was what i wanted to pay in the first place.

    Better yet, make them pay you. Sue them for every violation of the fdcpa.

  3. Talk about a hard to read question.

    All I can say is that you and your daughter need to learn your rights under the FCRA, FDCPA and any state laws. Collection agencies are the absolute scum of the earth and they will bend or break the laws to collect their money. Case in point, attempting to withdraw money from her account after being told not to is a FDCPA violation.

  4. She owes them the money.  All of it.  They want their money.  All of it.
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