
College room mate opinion?

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So my aunts the head or res. life at the college I'm going to.

One of my best friends from my town told me she wanted to to room with me. Now we got the letter and she said "I think your taking the college experience away from me because I know you"

Here's the issue. She was on the absolute bottom of the list and I had my aunt pull some strings. We are in the best dorm on campus. If I didn't have my aunt she would be commuting an hour and 1/2 every day. I was sworn not to tell that my aunt did it for me.

I did the right thing right? or should I feel bad that I "took everything away from her" (because without me, she would be commuting)?

What should I feel?




  1. FEEL GOOD **** i wish my aunt had that position  

  2. Your friend is unfaithful and renigging on an agreement, which is totally not right. I don't think you should tell her about your aunt though. She is probably just stressed with the change, maybe worried. This will probably (hopefully) pass. Besides this is what happens, you have a friend, but once you live with them that changes sometimes. Part of life.

    Hope everything works out alright though.

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