
Colleges in England...Help?

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Anyone know any good colleges in England? Or 6th Form Colleges? I want to study English, English Literature, Spanish, and Law....I really need your help. If you could suggest a couple of colleges that'd be really good! Thanks much! =)




  1. Stratford-Upon-Avon College is really good.

  2. I am an American student doing a year of study abroad in England at this moment. I am going to the University of Kent at Canterbury. I am also studying English Lit; and this is my final year. I don't know much about the other schools in the country, as I only had this option with my program, but I can assure you that this school is great for someone studying English. All of my professors are very qualified in their fields; and several of them are published authors. The area around the campus is beautiful and full of things to see and do. Canterbury is located in a perfect position between London and the Channel. London, Amsterdam, and Paris are just a few hours away. I've had a great experience here so far and I can strongly recommend this school for an international student as there are many students here from different parts of the world. Also, I only pay the tuition for my school back home, but from what I here it's not that expensive here either. Check it out online.

  3. What area do you live in? Just give the county or something, if you don't want to give out too much info. And how far can you travel?

  4. Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College in Darlington is one of the best colleges in the UK, highly rated and always produces higher than average students. The average in the UK at A-level is D. Queen Elizabeths average is B. I went and I am now studying Media and American Studies at one of the best universities in the country.

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