
Coming home to ireland?

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Is it possible to get onto galway citys council housing register whilst still being a council tenant in england. My partner is irish and wishes to return home to ireland with his family.




  1. I was told the waiting can be up to 7 years so I bought a house instead.

  2. I dont know, but you should know that the waiting list is very long. It is the same all over ireland. You could try an affordable housing scheme.

    I am sure he can as he is an irish citizen,

  3. Because the UK and Republic of Ireland are part of the Common Community Area (in terms of Travel and Social Benefits) I think you might be allowed to transfer to a council house in Galway. Not too sure, But pretty sure you can do it. The same as if you where transferring in UK.

  4. you can't expect to go and get a house straight away,you are better off going and putting your name down and waiting until they can find you a house,if you can stay with family for x amount of time.and i wish you all the best,i visit about 4/5 times a year as we have family over in irelandand we lived there for five yrs,i loved it and wish we stayed, but who knows we may go back to live.

  5. I think you have to be in Ireland & be prepared for a long long wait

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