
Comments error?

by  |  earlier

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My comment box does not work at all. Noone can add a comment & I myself can't add or delete any either. What should I do?




  1. It's a recent glitch that I think many people are experiencing. You can read my sarcastic blog on the subject here:

    You may be able to try some of my old techniques, get some new ideas on how to get to those messages or you will just have to wait out the situation.

    You can try deleting comments/messages and it may appear successful, but it will likely return the next day at certain times.

    I'm not sure if it's temporary or not, but...

    FYI: Y!360 is transitioning into a different social networking platform in early 2008. NO SPECIFIC DATE HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED ON THE Y!360 BLOG. Yahoo is trying to centralize its profiling services - Y!Mash, Y!360, and the regular Members profile - into one. See for more details. However, they are no longer fixing bugs related to Y!360, so there's no point in trying to contact them about it.

  2. Yahoo is in the process of launching a new platform here on this site.

    The 360 will no longer be called the 360 after this.. we will have a new blogger and other things which yahoo has not announced yet..

    They have set the launch date to be Jan. 8, 2008. Until that then they have stopped doing maintenance on the 360 and have pulled a lot of the server from it to give it to the new platform.

    The 360 product blog has a blog posted by Matt Walburton .. the new head of Yahoo.. that explains most of the questions you might have.. here is the link to that blog

    we just have a short time left to wait for them to be back to full attention to us and the site.. it is hard to have patience.. but we have no choice really..

    good luck friend.

  3. Yahoo is in the process of launching a new platform here on this site.

    The 360 will no longer be called the 360 after this.. we will have a new blogger and other things which yahoo has not announced yet..

    They have set the launch date to be Jan. 8, 2008. Until that then they have stopped doing maintenance on the 360 and have pulled a lot of the server from it to give it to the new platform.

    The 360 product blog has a blog posted by Matt Walburton .. the new head of Yahoo.. that explains most of the questions you might have..

    we just have a short time left to wait for them to be back to full attention to us and the site.. it is hard to have patience.. but we have no choice really..
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