
Community college

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im going to college in the fall of 09 .im dont know if i should take my first year at a community college and then transfer to a university cuz its less tuition or just go to a university all four going for early childhood education/childhood developement .HELP!




  1. There are so many factors to consider that you just didn't give us.

    How old are you?  If you're just out of High School, I definitely recommend the experience of getting out into the world and living on campus.

    However, if you're paying for it, or if your parents are paying for it and it would be a hardship, then community college is a cost-effective alternative for the first two years of college.

  2. will the University accept your credits?

    are you taking any remedial classes?

    can you test out of or into any advanced classes?

    talk to someone in the department of the school your going to transfer too.

    look into grants and loans.

  3. Community college, it is way cheaper than going straight out to a university. Just take your general courses at the community college, and then transfer.  I did that before transferring to a university and I didn't have as much money in loans to pay back as my peers did.

  4. Community College For Childhood development should be just fine

  5. The important thing is that you get your degree from a good university, so if you decide to go to community college for 2 years then transfer to a university, your resume will be none the wiser.  It's economically smart, albeit missing out on the whole "college experience".

  6. i did it. make sure all of your credits will transfer before you waste any money or time. good luck!

  7. Personally, I chose to take 2 years at my local community college (I'm working on the 2nd half of my associates degree) and then transfer to a 4 year school for my bachelors. I didn't see the point in pay three times as much in tuition to sit in classes that would three times as many students. At the community college classes are guaranteed to be under 30 students... at University of Maryland (where I'll transfer to) my friend had an english class with over 90 students... I enjoy being able to have a personal relationship with my professor where I am comfortable asking questions and knowing that they are basing their answers on me and my previous work... Not an answer they give to every student with the same question.

  8. Well the difference is living at home with your family if you go to community college and paying less tuition.  You can always move out but community colleges do not have dorms for you to stay in.  You have to commute.  A four year university has dorms, a social scene such as greek life and organizations.  It is a lot more expensive so if you can get by on student loans, financial aid and grants it should be okay.  Four year universities are very fun but very dangerous.  Most people do not finish there freshman year.  They get caught up in the social life.

  9. If you can swing it financially you should go for the university. Your resume will look more impressive, not to mention your educational background. This will be especially rewarding when negotiating your salary.

  10. University, I would never attend a community college... but that's just me.  

  11. If you made good grades in high school, took college prep classes, and know how to write good term papers and do college-level research, you will probably do ok at a university to start out with.  Be careful not to get caught up in the sorority party stuff with campus life and neglect your studies, and maybe try a light load (12 hours or so) the first semester.

    Look for a good school with an early childhood lab school or lots of other opportunities for hands-on learning.

    If you were just a so-so student, I would recommend you do community college first.  Some of these also have excellent CDA (child development associate) programs.

    Be sure this is really what you want to do--you won't make much money & it requires a tremendous amount of energy & patience.

  12. university

  13. A College Degree will be the same no matter what you choose.  

  14. UNIVERSITY. Community colleges are for people who cannot afford to go to university or have no goals in life. If you want to suceed, university is a must.

  15. Community college can be a wonderful thing for students who either (a) don't know what they want to study as a major, (b) need to save money, (c) don't need a bachelor's degree to get the job they want, or (d) don't have the academics to get into a four-year university.

    In your case, it sounds like this is primarily case B, a financial situation.

    What you can try to do is to take a year of gen-ed classes at the community college, and then transfer those credits to your university. Pick a community college close to home, if possible, and live with your rent-free parents.  

    First, make sure you know what four-year university you want to attend, and are sure that you'll get in (meet all admission requirements, etc).  

    Second, make sure you know what the gen-ed requirements are at your university for your chosen major.  9 credits of science, 6 credits of fine arts, etc etc.

    Third, you need to make SURE (and get it in writing, if possible) that your credits WILL transfer.  You'll need to meet with someone from the community college AND someone from the university.  Ultimately, the university will make the decision.  If they don't think that your community college's Math 101 class is equivalent to their own Math 101 class, then you won't get credit.

    Fourth, take as many classes as you can at the community college.  If you can get 36 credits (18 fall, 18 spring) of gen-ed classes out of the way, that'll be fantastic.  If it's just to take 4 credits each semester, then I'd say you're wasting your time.  

    Fifth, do WELL in those classes.  In my experience, transferring credits has always just been a pass-fail situation, but you don't want to get caught up in fine print, and find out that your university will only accept these credits if you get a B or better.

    Also, a smart thing to do, if you don't want to do a whole year of community college, you can always take a few courses in the summers, and transfer those credits.  This is a little less risky because by the time you're going to be talking to advisors about transferring credits, you will already be enrolled in the university, rather than hoping to get accepted.  But if you are diligent about summer classes, then you could easily knock a semester's worth of classes off your university tuition bill over a couple of summers.  (This probably won't be worth it if you don't take enough summer credits to cover a semester of university course work...I think most undergrad programs charge you a full-time student tuition for the semester, rather than by credit...but I could be wrong about that)

    Good luck.  This is a tough decision.  But I'd say that if you need the financial security, take a year of community college.  Just make sure you are very careful about what classes you take...

  16. I'm not sure but that's a very good question

  17. go for the lesser cost if you don't have the money

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