
Commute long is yours?

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So how long is your commute to work in the morning?




  1. I am a stay at home Mom

    There is no commute time for me, I live on the job.


  2. 20 mins.

  3. 1 hr

  4. Only 5 minutes.  I'm pretty lucky I live so close :-)

  5. 10 mins at the most but that is soon to change!

  6. Depending on when I leave, it's anywhere from 1 hour to 2 hours 45 mins.

    griffin, don't you just love the wildlife in this state? I hit a deer yesterday which kinda slowed me down on my way to work.

  7. 6 minutes door to door, I'm always leaving with 7 minutes to go, toast in mouth, shoes untied, I back into the driveway the night before so no "Taxi-ing" to the runway, it's just "Launch time", when I get to work, tail hook is out, I slam down on the runway, shut down, run in, and sign in with a minute to spare, I get 1/2 a "Stink Eye" from the boss, with me going "WHAT, I'm on time" !

  8. 30-45 minutes 1 way -

    Depending on the deer - turkeys - and other wildlife.

    Cars and traffic not so big of a deal here, but the wildlife can be worse.

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