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How would you define compassion?What things make u8p a compassionate nature?




  1. Compassion means to help and care for others more than you do for be need to find god or your near and dear ones in others and help them whenever they need it....Dont think that only superiors and relatives can be cared and look after...possess the quality of humanity.

    Hope i helped you!!


  2. when you care for someone and really want to help your loved ones

    having a deep awarness of sympathy for another's suffering...

  3. com-with


  4. I think compassion is total selflessness.  To be truly and genuinely compassionate, wouldn't one have to be entirely without self-interest?  If compassion is feeling deep and sincere empathy and sympathy for another person then I think there would need to be a complete connection between oneself and that person, and therefore between oneself and everybody, so that in fact there would no longer be any distinction between "oneself" and any other, but all would be one, and I think that that would be the very truest form of the word "compassion" (yet I can see in theory that it would be necessary for the individual self - this accumulation I call "I" - to die, to break away, for this to occur).  There would be no more separation, no more judgement, but a complete oneness.  

    (Many apologies for sounding like a nutter.)

  5. Compassion is wonderful, but its rewards are not always sweet.

  6. Hard to say, but it has been said that a civilisation is defined by how compassionate it has. Not by how rich or strong it is.

  7. unconditional tolerance and acceptance and a desire to make a difference

  8. believing every living being is connected and acting upon those thoughts

  9. It is caring about the quality of life of one person and every person. It is not assuming that you know what is best for others. It is being aware that others mainly know what help they need, if any. It's not judging others based on your own criteria. It's not helping others because it makes you feel good about yourself. It's helping others in a way that makes them feel better about themselves because it has been what they wanted, not what you wanted for them.

    Simply accepting people are different and have different needs, not judging them because they don't fit into your plan or that of societies.

    Attempting to do no harm.

  10. having a compassionate nature  means thinking and living around the principle that it's not about ones self but the whole. It means really and truly caring about the suffering or success of others simply because of how it would effect them.

  11. "I" would not define compassion. I would look the word up in an Etymology dictionary which gives you the root-meaning.

    The word compassion comes from Latin 'compassio' which stems from the roots: com-meaning "with; together" and pati (hence our term "passion") which means "suffering," (as in the 'Passion of the Christ'). Thus compassion means: "suffering with [another]." Taken not literally, this implies the realization of "oneness" with another invoking a sympathy/empathy for what that 'other' is experiencing which could just as easily be happening to you.

  12. Someone that is caring and considers other people's feelings.  Someone that is considerate of everyone and everything and considers the consequences of their actions.
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