
Compatibility of betta fish?

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I just bought a male betta fish from Pets-mart and was told it was compatible with my black skirt tetras, bleeding heard tetras, and danios. I'm not sure if they are compatible but i haven't seen any fighting, i just wanted to be sure so i don't lose any of my fish, or if i have to remove the betta.




  1. he should be fine as long as he has plenty of space and your other fish dont bother him to much bettas can be territorial at times so just think about where he would be the most comfortable i had to move my betta out of my oscar tank(yes my betta and oscar used 2b nd same when my oscar kept chasing him but they did alright for quite awhile

  2. If you just have a male it is compatible with almost any. I had mine in a tank with mollies, guppies, and other fish. He died though. He was great and loved the space.

  3. it may be conbadeble but i wouldnt put anouther betta in or it could get a little bloody inside.

  4. A male is fine with most fish, as long as they don't have long flowing fins like he does. I'd watch out for him with danios in the tank though, because they're pretty notorious for fin-nipping, especially since bettas are slow fish.

  5. Well, Betta's can go with a wide variety of fish. Just make sure you do not put them with other fish that are either very colorful OR that have long flowing fins. They might mistake them as another male betta and attack them. You have to be careful with tetras tho. They might nip at the Betta's fins. If you notice the Betta's fins getting nipped, take him out into his own tank, make sure it is at least a gallon.


  6. They can actually go with tons of different types of fish. Right now i have my male Betta with tetras,cherry barbs,pleco,cory cat, and danios. I'm pretty sure they can get along with more types of fish. Just as long as you don't put two male bettas together! They'll fight each other until one or both are dead!

    Hope to helped! (=

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