
Computer Help???????????????

by Guest57857  |  earlier

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My computer won't let me log into YouTube! When I type in my name and password and press log in, it just refreshes the page! When I visit my page, the public one, it says I'd logged in a couple seconds ago, but it doesn't say I am at the top and it doesn't let me comment or favorite.





  1. Most likely this is a browser problem if possible try another browswer if your using internet explorer try firefox, if firefox fails try opera if all browsers fail. Then it might be 1 of 2 other problems the first could be a problem with youtube which might need you to contact them directly, the other could be that your isp is blocking access to youtube.

  2. restart your whole computer.

  3. Sounds like you need to go to Tools in your web-browser, then Internet options, under browsing history hit delete browsing history, then hit ok at the bottom. That should clear up any thing left over from other log-in's etc, and should help you log back into YouTube. If that doesn't work, call or email YouTube and ask for technical assistance.

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