
Computer: Mac, or PC??

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I got a mac, and i've always been a big fan of it. I never got a virus on it what so ever. When it comes to PC it all depends on which brand you get. The cheap ones have poor quality while the expensive ones are decent.




  1. I prefer PC because it has great internet browsing, while Mac lacks in its internet browsing. It is hard to get a virus on a Mac because there are not a lot of viruses created for the Mac(I'm not sure if there are any). Although as long as you get a good virus protection on your PC you wont have to worry about viruses. You should get an expensive PC though because if you don't you wont be able to play a lot of good games because it wont have a good graphics card.

  2. Mac are hard to customize with hardware.  Macs may crash less but the systems have less hardware configurations to deal with than PCs.  PCs give the user more hardware customization options along with a greater chance for hardware and software corruptions.  Look at the iphone, where I live AT&T is the only iphone service provider, not much choice there.  I like choice in my computer needs, hard to get those choices with apple products.  Finally I used both Mac and PC, Both are nice just PC lets you have more of a choice in the matter.

  3. Well the new Mac's can be dual booted so that you can have a Windows operating system like Vista and  still have your Mac OS whatever it is. But iff you were really wanting a computer fit for your needs then build it yourself. It isn't all that hard to build a PC from scratch and the beneits are wicked because you know it's all your own hard work that was put into it.

    Also it's a butt load cheaper to build a computer then it is to buy a pre-made computer from the likes of Dell or Alienware. I spent NZ$1300 on my computer and it's just as good if not better than a store bought computer and it's dual boot for Linux too.

    Food for thought maybe?

  4. I love MAC and it never gave me any troubles like what normal PC DOES =]

  5. you get a mac if you want to make a fashion statement. everyone goes out and buys one then when everyone has one mac comes out with something better so everyone goes out and buys another one.   its all a marketing ploy.

  6. I personally prefer PC. Much more customization (as in I can actually upgrade components by myself, so if I mess up I have no one to blame but myself) and there's no BS ToS that makes it illegal to install my OS on to a computer I built myself. Plus they're usually cheaper.

  7. For the PC, the brand doesn't matter. It's all about the components of the PC. As for the Mac, the reason why you might not have gotten a virus is because viruses target PC's more than Macs. Pretty soon though, Macs can get viruses, and then you'll be stumped because you won't have any anti-virus software.

    But I do like Apples better.

    IMO, if you're a gamer, or you spend much time working, and you want to save some money, get the PC.

    If you have some extra money, get the MAC!

    Macs tend to be a  little overpriced, but that's just the way they are. If you buy a Mac, always get the better components for computers will always be better and better, that way you'll keep your Mac longer.

    By the way, it's not the actual Mac computer that's better than a PC, it's just the system software it runs. Same thing goes for virus issues, it's all about the system software.

    PC's run Windows software. Macs run MAC OS X software.

    If you follow instructions online, you can tweak your PC and "hack" it so you can run Mac OS X on it. Same thing for Macs, you can run Windows software on a Mac.

    Everybody likes Mac OS X better than Windows.

    Plan #1. (You just want the Mac software, and you don't want viruses, and you don't want to spend a lot of money, but this requires time and work)

    #1 So all in all, if you want a cheap computer, at least get a decent PC, maybe buy some parts from amazon to upgrade it, then tweak it so you can run Mac OS X, and you won't get viruses.

    Plan #2. (You want the simple white monitor, mouse, keyboard, and you have the extra money, and you don't want to spend more time tweaking and buying extra parts off online retailers to upgrade your computer)

    #2 if you have the extra money, pay for GOOD-PERFORMANCE Mac computer, and buy that.

    Most people just want Macs because of the interface. It's all "techy and futuristic." They also like the simplicity of the keyboards, monitors, and mice. That's probably the motivation that drives people to go Mac over PC.

  8. I would say that Macs are better, but it all depends on your your coworkers and friends have. Mac's aren't that compatible with anything that's on PC, so it all depends. I suggest a Window's Vista. Those are very nice.

  9. PC.  it's more customizable, and i'm not just talking about the hardware.  with Windows (or even better, Linux)  you can do a lot more what you want and you aren't dragged down by what Apple says you can or can't do.

  10. It all boils down to what will you be doing with the PC???  Both have their Pros and Cons...

  11. mac definitly its much more advanced doesnt crash new ones have virus auto detection that will warn u if the application or page that u are on harbors a harmful computer virus which is very helpful    

  12. My bbf Mac!!!  Besides it can have parallels and you get the pc on it too! 2 for 1!

  13. well i prefer PC becaue of word and microsoft and stuff

    but macs are cool from all the other softwares and ichat (:

    but wait i dont get the question..?

  14. I've always tried PC, but i heard MAC was good.

  15. Well the reasons they make cheap computers are for like 80 year old people so that there is nothing complex and they can get to the internet to check there e-mail. Then the expensive ones are for die hard gamers with multiple Intel Extreme CPU's and x2 or x3 graphics chips. SO yeah PC's are based on quality buy price and I dont have a problem with it I have never had a problem with Windows Vista or any windows. Its your preference if you choose PC or Mac.

    And im not putting down Mac because they have there hotspots too, but Macs actually have the tendency to crash more than a PC. PC's have somehow gained a reputation of crashing while a Mac does it twice as much.

    Gogo, I like PC's better than a Mac so maybe Most people prefer a Mac over a PC, which is still not right. PC's still sell more than Mac's

  16. personally i have always preffered pc for my homework and personal use but i like macs because they are great when working with videos and pictures, editing and adding color, ettt., so it all depends on what you want the computer for.

  17. MACs dont get viruses.. and have wayy better image quality!!

  18. Mac 4 Ever

  19. Definitely MAC. You can check this website they offer a great MAC computers.
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