
Computer Usage Schedule for Kids?

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I have a 5 year old daughter who is a whiz at our home computer. She likes to play the learning games on the Disney and PBS websites and a few other websites she has found. We also have three neighborhood kids who like to come over and Rylee has taught them to use the computer as well. Since then, these kids have been over everyday to play on the computer. They fuss and fight saying "Its my turn now, I haven't played yet..WAAAAH". It's rather annoying. But they don't have the same luxury's as we do and I feel bad for telling them no, they can't play. This is an attempt to resolve some of the other issues in my annoying neighbor post.

I came up with the idea of letting them play in 30 min incrimints, but that's not seeming to work. Can someone give me an idea of what a good schedule is?

I don't want them to be on it on the weekends at all.

I don't want them here EVERYDAY

and I don't want them on the computer all day when they do come to play on it.

There ages are 10, 7, 5 and 3




  1. Since there's 4 of them, make it easy on yourself.  Mondays can be for the 10 and 7 year old- they can have 45 minutes each, or they can play on it together for an hour IF they don't fight.  Tuesdays (or whatever day you want), the 5 and 3 year old can play on it together for 45 minutes.  The 3 year old will probably tire of it before then, which will help cut down on the fighting between the two of them.  Explain that when they turn 7, they can have their time increased to 45 on their own too.  That gives them something to look forward to, and the two older ones will think they're getting a lot more, which will also cut down on fights.  You can also set the rule in place that fighting equals no computer.

  2. First of all I do not think the 10 year old should be over to play on your computer with your five year old at all. Obviously the 10 year old is wanting computer time and not here for any other reason. Having said that I can see tagging along with the other kids.

    I also do not think you should watch the 3 year old for hours at a time. that is too young for a kid to be running around inside other people`s houses all day long.

    I like your schedule and think you should print it off and send it home with the kids. One thing the ten year old will be good for (and  you can even say this to him or her) is to be ``in charge`` of the computer time for him and his siblings and keep track of the schedule.

    You should also set the rule of no fighting over the computer or they all cannot come over for a week and stick to it.  

    You are not a babysitting service or public computer lab so you can set rules in your own home. :-)

  3. It is YOUR home tell the kids to go home if you don't want them there.  There should be NO fighting over YOUR computer to begin with.  If they want to play on a computer tell them to go home and tell their parents to buy one.  If you don't they will be on your doorstep every day all the time and fighting over it.  GEEZE grow a backbone.

  4. well i dont have a way for you to make a schedule i think what your doing is good.

    But a good way to ge them is after they have each been on a little, bring out a snack. And tell them if they want it to come and get it and then go shut down the computer so they cant play it afterwards. I know its kinda mean but they can lose eye sight, get headaches, and get a little heavier from just sitting on the computer all the time.

    After they find out the computer isnt working ask if they want to play tag or soemthing. Or go somewhere like happy tymes!

    Hope that helps!

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