
Computer buisness promotion help????

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friend both 16 we want to start a computer biz. It will be mainly We will be building pc's pretty much asking buyers how they want them building them with the latest tech graphic card, processors etc, and selling them money aint a problem but how can we promote the bizness? Whats a good and effective way. thanks




  1. Advertise your business on free classifieds, relevant forums and social networking websites. Monitor the response you get periodically to find out what works best. From

  2. Since you will be starting with basically no reputation in this business and since selling computers is generally a VERY competitive business niche, the best way to start is to start local and with your personal network (friends, families, acquaintances, etc)


    Because these people know you and thus would TRUST you more than people you dont know.  Moreover, this is also a great way to gain referrals and testimonials, which will further enhance your trust base and thus your ability to market.

    so HOW can you start?

    you already have most of the tools in your disposal.

    Social Networking Sites:  You probably have a MySpace or other similar social networking account.  By simply posting your service in bulletins, private messages, profile, etc.  You can let your friends know that you offer this type of service.

    Forums:  Better start with those local gamers are frequenting (do some research!).  Here you can build your credibility in the local gaming world by participating in discussions and in time SELL cutting edge computers to them.

    EBay:  Ebay is also a great way to start this type of business without having to set up a website (you'll still have to build traffic if you use a website and this can be very expensive).  By using EBay or other similar sites, you benefit from THEIR traffic without much cost.  Keep in mind however that EBay uses a feedback system so others can gauge your credibility and competence.  (this is where testimonials from your satisfied local customers [friends and their referrals] will help)

    Advertise  Locally:  Remember that selling computers is pretty much a local business (you'll find it hard and expensive to ship computers and customers generally do not prefer this option when buying computers) so its better to start on a few mile radius around where you guys plan to put up shop.

    Think about it, who are generally interested in having the latest tech graphic card, processors etc?  


    Since there are only a few old gamers, i would assume you will be targeting the younger generations - most of them students.  Of course, you can also target the geeks.

    so knowing your TARGET MARKET, the next question would then be..

    WHERE do these people hang out?

    Internet Cafes,  Arcades,  Laundromats (for students living in dorms), generally anywhere near school campuses.

    HOW do you advertise?

    Posters, Banners, brochures, etc.

    You can talk to the establishments near campuses and you'll be surprised to find out that they are generally receptive to having your ads posted on their storefronts.  (even better offer free computer service!)

    You can also advertise to local publications of organizations that you know uses heavy applications a lot (gamer orgs, web designing orgs, etc)

    Remember to be creative when designing your ads!

    Expect business to be slow at first but if you build it based on trust and competence, in sure your hands will be full in no time.  Goodluck!


  3. hey bro

    to imporve your bussiness first your need to know how bussiness works

    step make a good website to you can promote online  in locality around u

    step two make bussiness cards  flyiers

    step three meet new people yellow pages

    step four  freebies  just increas ethe price a little

    and give freebi on every purchase

    market by word of mouth

    just promotional offers like

    you assemble computer for free for one home every week in this way there will be more people knwoing ru bussiness

    hope i helped a little

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