My hp laptop recently kicked the bucket due to a previous virus. I've had it for several years now, about three. when I went to live on campus it contracted a virus that "fried" the hard drive. the on-campus tech guys were able to help and put in a new hard drive. Ever since then, it hasn't been the same. when I would play music it would skip and stop; the same was for video.
Now, after my brother messed with it . . . it's useless [AGAIN]. However, from a more experienced [computer] person, said that the hard drive is still intact. They also said that I "may" be able to transfer some invaluable files to another computer or external hard drive.
Is it possible that I would be able to retrieve some, if not all, that was on my computer???? If so, can I do it myself?
oh and when it's turned on there is a blue screen. I haven't touched in a month, I'm afraid I'd make it worse.
ANY info is appreciated!!