
Computer fan... HALP?

by  |  earlier

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the fan on my computer, an alien ware, is a fine fan... but its old and i think it might be dieing and its really loud and i am looking in to getting a new one. is there anything i should know when shopping, i'm going to get it form new egg. and i saw some how to videos on installing a new fan into my power supply and it looks kinda hard but i think i can manage,

do you think i sould do it my self or get someone to install it for me?

do all fans work with all computers?

is there a specific company i sould look for?

does alien ware sell ones for there computers?

i know its alot of question but hey thats what yahoo answers if for right.




  1. I am sensing that you are asian and hang out at Arlington Public Library. I'm just kidding there is somebody who also has a loud alien ware fan who plays wow nonstop.

    But ur not telling us specific details like your configuration and whether its a laptop or a desktop and what the name of it is.

    You can go to and chat with a costumer service agent and they will tell you which fan to get and all that.  

  2. By the time you order a fan, pay the shipping charges, wait three or four days to receive it, take the computer apart, disassemble the power supply, remove the old fan, curse at your wife, install the new fan, put the power supply back together, cut your finger on the sharp edge of a heat sink, reinstall the the power supply, reassemble the rest of the computer, kick the dog, realized that you missed something, get extremely frustrated, disassemble the computer again, curse your mother, uninstall the power supply again, disassemble the power supply again, remove the new fan, lose your salvation, re-install the new fan, curse your mother in law, reassemble the power supply again, and reassemble the rest of the computer again - you'll wonder why you didn't just spend a few more buck to replace the power supply.

  3. A new fan into your power supply?  Save the time and effort.  Power supplies don't cost that much.

  4. I have one of these in the front of my case, you can adjust how fast it goes.  This means how loud or quiet as well.  the highest is like a tractor-trailer in the house..

    Also, I use MassCool for the side and back to suck the air out.  The do the job and keep it nice and cool.

    If you want to put it into your power supply I suggest you get a new one instead.  Corsair is the best that I've found.  Reliable and Powerful.  This is the one that I have in my case

    It has a single 12v rail so you don't have balance your power at all.  I love it

  5. do it yourself



    i dont think so

  6. i know at least 50 people that will tell you to never open up your power supply. but im not one of them.   just dont touch the circuit board at all cuz those capacitors are charged.

    as long as its a 12v fan it should work.

    company doesnt matter, but since your going to newegg. get one that has good reviews. people at newegg are very willing to ***** about problems with a product.

    alienware might sell their replacement power supplies but for sure not the fans for it. cuz opening the power supply will void your warranty.
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