
Computer question again!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have 2 questions. the first is: is it damaging to my computer to download movies onto itunes and onto my sons Ipod? It takes at least a whole day for him to do it and my computer runs sooo slow.

I have alot of protection is this all necessary: I have Macafee (which I purchased) adaware 2008, Anti-malaware, and windows defender, all which I have to manually scan except the Macafee. Just wondering if I am missing or have too much. My computer is running slow, like a delay when I exit out of a window or scroll, it runs way behind. thanks for your help!!




  1. maybe trying to delete some stuff u dun need anymore like old programs or maybe some old games pics documents etc


    thats wad i do for my laptop


  2. Your protections are slowing you down. Use only mcafee,  necessary enough to do anything. No, it won't damage your computer.    

  3. No, downloading to iTunes will not hurt your computer.

    Slowness can be caused by many things;  some common ones are:

    - disk fragmentation; to check, run Start, [All]Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk Defragmenter, and let it check for you;  if it recommends a defrag, let it do it (during the night; it could take a while).

    - memory problems


  4. You can NEVER have enough protection.

    MacAfee does use a lot of your systems resources because it offers "Real Time" protection,

    Adaware is not the program it was a couple of years back. SuperAntiSpyware is much better.

    Window´s Defender has a very good reputation.


    If you want to REALLY protect your PC from attacks and potential viruses then consider Sandboxie.

    This, free, program creates a "virtual" PC from which to surf the net and download. It never allows software to be put on your PC unless you allow it.

    Since putting this program on my PC I have NEVER had a virus or spyware infection.

    This will allow you to turn off the "Real Time " protection and scan when you want to.

    To the best of my knowledge your ports cannot be identified either, so making your PC invisible to hackers

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