
Computer shutdown by NT Authority System?

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I am having major computer problems right now. When I go to turn my computer on upon starting up I get a popup saying that a shutdown was initiated by NT Authority\system with a 60 second countdown going at the bottom of the popup. Most of the time the computer restarts and just repeats the same exact process. Every once in awhile after the 60 second countdown this box disappears and about 10 minutes after that the screen finally shows all my icons on my desktop, but everything in my system tray takes another ~1 hour to load and the desktop background is entirely blue, but with a windows message saying that "win/32/adware.virtumonde and win/32/privacy/remover.m64 have been detected on my comptuer and should be removed. So I go to click the start button. 10 minutes later the start button works, then I click all program. 10 minutes later all the programs show so i go to symantec antivirus. 10 minutes later it pops out and I click on the program. 10 minutes later I click to run the program and it starts runnign the virus scan. I have done this process about 15 times. Every time except one it stops in the middle of the scan and will go to a blue screen and say "unexpected_kernel_mode_trap , no_more_irp_stack_locations, bogus_driver, page_fault_in_nonpaged_area, and many other possibilities. And at the bottom of this screen it then says restarting, tries to load up windows again and then repeats going back to the blue screen and giving me another one of those reasons listed above. I don't know what to do. It seems that I run into trouble no matter what I do. Even when I start up in safe mode this NT Authority shutdown occurs. I also tried starting up using something like "start with last known good configuration" and that does the same thing too. Can someone please help!!!




  1. Could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software. This  problem can be solved by uninstalling new software, updating device drivers and making minor configuration changes . From . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from

  2. You arent the only one having this problem. Here is a site with a possible fix. It sounds like you need to download a patch for windows.

    When ever you are able to get back on the net, then go here and use the free version of


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