
Confederate Flag?

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Do you think that southern states should have the right to fly the confederate flag on State & Federal property, like in Courthouses and legislative & administrative buildings?




  1. Absolutly not.  I am a hard-core right wing Republician.  The sight of the confederate flag makes me furious.  I have taken down many of them and burned them.


    Norman you should take your own advice.  You lost the war, GET OVER IT.

  2. Essentially, the Confederate flag shouldn't be seen as anything different then the swastika. They are both symbols of racism and that's that. They lost the d**n war. It's time to move on.

  3. Everyone has the right to fly whatever flag they like.

    I do not fly the 1860 Union flag.  I fly the 2008 version of the Stars and Stripes.  I don't know why people would want to fly any other.

    Again, I am saddened to see people wanting to fly other flags.  But it's their right.

    PS  people wishing to change their state's flag should petition their legislature to make the change.

  4. Just as  long as no flag flies higher than the American flag,     whats the deference in flying a state flag

  5. Well,  I oppose displaying the confederate flag because of its close association with racism and slavery.  Unfortunately, there is no PC way to celeberate Southern pride and independence.

  6. Grafiti promotes violence in contradiction to your point Let the state and community vote on that decision. Blacks and mixed race fought for those colors just like the Crips and Bloods fight for theirs. You have a right to your heritage why are you trying to deny mine? I have no animus toward you but the reverse is not true, so in one sense you are being the biggot. It is a crime to rip up a Mexican flag or a g*y Flag in America so keep your paws off my Stars and Bars.

  7. Why not? Especially if they are flying over Confederate memorials.

    If you want to take down all non-US and non-State flags on public property you might as well start with the POW/MIA flags, which fit into neither category. Are you going to call for that too?

    Should Vietnamese-Americans have the right to call for those flags to be pulled down as well because it hurts their feelings?

    Frankly, I'm more concerned by the gang graffiti all over public property than and am by a handful of Confederate flags.

    Time to get over it.


    Gang graffiti is just "youthful disobedience"? So basically, if people want to spraypaint confederate flags, well, boys will be boys, right?

    Frankly, the average American of any hue or shade has a lot more to fear from disobedient youth in the Bloods, Crips and MS-13 than they EVER have to fear from any neo-Confederate wannabees.

  8. I was under the impression that the Confederate States of America had long been gone.  We wouldn't allow any other country to do such a thing.  Truth be told it's not even the official flag of the Confederacy.  It's actually a battle flag.  The flag wasn't even erected on state capitols in the south until after the 1950s and the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, KS.  Southern states who opposed integration erected those flags as a sign of solidarity that there would be segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!  Somehow they try to justify it by explaining it as nostalgia and keeping connected with their past.

  9. yes.

  10. No. I live in Georgia and it is hard not to sterotype people who hang those flags. It's funny b/c you don't see these flags in Atlanta. I don't go downtown and see these flags at my local Starbucks or at Ikea (I know it's German based) or at Piedmount Park. It shows how some of us are not willing to accept change.

    I could go on and on but I will not..

  11. No.  You lose the war, you don't get to fly your silly flag anymore.

  12. The Confederate Flag is viewed by its supporters as a symbol of their culture and heritage. They overlook the fact that a big part of that heritage included slavery and extreme racial discrimination. If an individual wants to embrace this and display that flag in his front yard, then so be it.  

    However,  it would be improper for a state or local government to even give the appearance that they endorse these negative aspects, especially when their constituents include members of the minority  who were targeted by the Confederacy,

  13. There's a big difference between banning the public display of a flag by private citizens and simply saying the government shouldn't fly it.  

    If the state flies it, it is an implicit endorsement of all that it stands for by the state.  

    If a significant portion of the state's population are offended by this flag (which by the way is not an officially recognized flag of any aspect of government anyway) it would not be in the interest of democracy and fair representation for the government/state to continue to display it.  

    Private citizens however may continue to do so.
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