
Conflict theory? Media influence on youth.?

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By using the Conflict Theory, explain the influence of Media on youth and teens.




  1. i have no idea what the conflict theory is but yes i as a teenager do beleive the media affects us, but just because i see someone smoke pot on tv dosen't mean i'm going to do it. besides if we didn't have the media we would just look at the kids in our schools and neighborhoods, the media just spreads it a little more but they didn't invent it

  2. "Conflict theory emphasizes the role of coercion and power, a person's or group's ability to exercise influence and control over others, in producing social order. It states that a society or organization functions so that each individual participant and its groups struggle to maximize their benefits, which inevitably contributes to social change such as changes in politics and revolutions. The theory is mostly applied to explain conflict between social classes, proletarian versus bourgeoisie; and in ideologies such as capitalism versus socialism. It is the theory that a continual struggle exists between all different aspects of a particular society. The struggle that occurs does not always have to involve physical violence. It can pertain to an underlying struggle for each group or individual within a society to maximize its own benefits. The theory was founded by Karl Marx, and later developed by theorists such as Max Weber, etc. Functionalism, which considers that societies and organizations function so that each individual and group plays a specific role, like organs in the body. There are radical basic assumptions (society is eternally in conflict, which might explain social change), or moderate ones (custom and conflict are always mixed). The moderate version allows for functionalism to as an equally acceptable theory since it would accept that even negative social institutions play a part in society's self-perpetuation" -- Wikipedia

    Conflict theory can be used to explain the media's influence on teens by looking at who controls the media.  The vast majority of media is owned and controlled by society's elite (or bourgeoisie in conflict theory terminology).  For this reason the media is a tool of those in power to further their agenda which is to keep the poor divided and ineffective.  According to conflict theory, the poor (proletariat) will continue to be exploited until they revolt together and overthrow the rich who profit at the poor's expense.  Teens are especially susceptible to advertising and propaganda which makes them more easily influenced by the media.  The media pushes the message on these young people that one's value can be determined by how pretty one is or how much stuff one owns.  This in turn fuels insecurities in these young people causing them to become more dependant on the manufacturers who produce the goods they need to feel happy and popular.  This sends the money from the young back to the corporations that produce the "cool" products they "need" while distracting them from focusing on the inequalities our system perpetuates in America and all over the world.

    Hope that helps

  3. The "Conflict Theory" was developed by Marxist-based social theory.  Today one can see the media as one of the major reason for pushing material things which are beyond the means of a normal individual. Wanting things they cannot effort, some persons commit crimes to further their need to own what the media say you require to be somebody.

    The rich and powerful control the media and their agenda is to keep the poor ignorant and susceptible to believe whatever they want them to believe.  Anyone who stands up to show this truth, becomes a target and labeled a communist or as someone who hates America.

  4. Media is not an influence in my opinion. It takes a weaker person to blame their 'wrong doings' on the media. It's something to put the blame on so we don't have to be at fault for our mistakes.

    "Little Johnny, why did you start smoking cigarettes?"

    'Because the cigarette ad's look cool and pull me in!'

    Yeah it's a bit over-exaggerated but i have heard a lot of explanations like that. Doesn't sound good does it?

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