
Confused about college.?

by  |  earlier

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Hi all I was 18 yesterday and today I got a letter inviting me to go and enrol onto my course for september. It is a two year course.

On the letter it told me about fees etc etc, but I though if you are under 19 on enrolment it is payed for by the government. I am in the UK.

Does anyone know if I have to pay? I am soo confused about it, I thought it was payed for by the government. Have things changed?




  1. Look carefully at the letter.  Does it say "under 19 at time of enrollment"?  It doesn't matter when you're invited to enroll, or when you think about enrolling - it depends what age you age when you actually enroll, when you officially sign up.

    If in doubt, just ask the registrar's office at the school.

  2. There are some positives for being eighteen.

    To be absolutely sure contact the college and ask this question outright. They will be only too happy to tell you what your position is going to be.

    Link :

  3. No, it should definitely be free (I think it's actually up to nineteen), for both years. If you start a college course before you're nineteen, you then get until the end of your course free.

    My brother started a two year college course before he was nineteen and didn't have to pay for either of the two years and that was only a few years ago. His girlfriend is redoing her A-levels and she's nineteen and I don't believe she has to pay anything.

    Possibly the letters just get sent out to everyone.

  4. The person sending the letter doesn't know how old you are. It will be a standard letter sent to everyone. The fee side of things is sorted at enrolment so stop worrying, just take proof of your age when you enrol.

  5. It as been a long time since I was in the U.K. but back when I was it used to be the same procedure. Anyone under the age of 19 at the time of enrollment or a continuing student is not required to pay college fees.

    Universities are a different matter and all students must pay tuition and fees unless of course one as a grant or scholarship.

  6. it is free and what course your taking?

  7. I have the same problem.

    I turn 18 next month, we both will get the first year free.

    But I'm not sure about the second year.

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