
Confused about something can you help...?

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I'm suppose to start my period tomorrow but... I been having CM for several days now. I thought that I was suppose to be dry by now? Has any one experienced this and been pregnant. I am TTC. Thanks




  1. I am experiencing the same thing right now. I feel bloated and crampy though and have lower back aches (last night was the worst) and normally those symptoms mean my period will come the next morning but not so much. I am tyring to just wait it out til the weekend to see if it comes or not before taking a HPT. The hardest part is the waiting!!! I'm trying not to get excited especially since I had a m/c earlier this summer so its just been sooooo hard to just sit and wait for your body to heal before trying again. Good luck to you - hope you get the results you are wanting!!!

  2. Either you thought you were ovulating at a certain time and it was later (but thats unlikely since you are activly trying to conceve so you know exactly when everything happens) or you could very well be preg! Your fulids increase when your preg!! This is happening to me but my period isnt till the 15th so Im unsettlely waiting for my time to take a hpt. Good luck! Take a hpt and if it comes back neg then go get a blood test or just wait for a few more days and try again. Sometimes it doesnt pick up on it right away. Best of luck and TONS of baby dust to you! :)

  3. i noticed this with myself, but my period isnt due for about a week. even if you have ovulated you may still have some cm-but it'll be sticky, if you have the fertile cm you either ovulated later then what you thought, are about to ovulate, or could be pregnant.

    only suggestion really is to wait til tomorrow, see if your period comes and if it doesnt try taking an hpt with your first morning urine the next day.

    hope this helps, and good luck

    lots of baby dust to you

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