
Consequences of ecstasy????

by Guest44911  |  earlier

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Can somemone give me the consequences of Ecstasy in a list form and the site they got it from? Thank you!




  1. Ecstasy can make you feel very wonderful at the time, but when its all said and done it can leave a nasty trial of sadness behind. Everytime you take ecstasy it drains your serotonin which is your happiness sort of speak in your body so after so long you will have no serotonin left and you find yourself sad and depressed. Also ecstasy is known to cause you spine to bleed. This is a drug made in someones garage and you really have no idea what is being put in the pill it could have rat poison in it or something and you would not know until it was to late.

    How Does It Affect You?

    Ecstasy is similar (in nature) to other amphetamines and hallucinogens.  It speeds up the nervous system and acts as a mood enhancer.  Also referred to as “the love drug”, Ecstasy often makes the user feel good, happy and relaxed - at least at first.  Contrary to rumors, Ecstasy is not an aphrodisiac and can actually inhibit sexual performance.

    The taking of any drug affects people differently.  Depending on size, weight, health, dosage and other drugs being used, the reaction can be mild or very severe.  Anyone suffering from hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, epilepsy, mental illness or panic should avoid taking Ecstasy.

    Common Side Effects

    The following effects start within 20 minutes of taking E and can last for 4 - 6 hours or longer:

    ·      Increased heart rate

    ·      Increased body temperature

    ·      Increased blood pressure

    ·      Increased confidence

    ·      Nausea

    ·      Anxiety

    ·      Feelings of well-being (happiness, love)

    ·      Sweating

    ·      Loss of appetite ther Reported Effects

    Taking higher doses of MDMA will not increase the good feelings.  In fact higher dosages can cause convulsions, irrational behavior, and hallucinations.  Users have reported having problems with insomnia, anxiety, paranoia, concentration and depression after taking the drug.


    Taking too much Ecstasy can result in:

    ·      Extremely high body temperatures

    ·      High blood pressure

    ·      Hallucinations

    ·      Fast Heartbeat

    ·      Breathings problems

    ·      Death

    Death often results  from harmful overheating (hyperthermia), or from drinking too much at one time (hyponatremia).  Hyponatremia is a condition where excess fluid intake swells the brain resulting in coma.  A third cause of death is stimulation.  Over stimulation of the nervous system can result in heart attack or brain hemorrhage.

    Warning Signs of Overdose

    ·      Feeling hot or unwell

    ·      Becoming confused, not able to talk properly

    ·      Headache

    ·      Vomiting

    ·      Not Sweating

    ·      Racing heart or pulse when resting

    ·      Fainting or collapsing

    ·      Loss of control over body movements

    ·      Tremors

    ·      Problems Urinating

    Duration of Effects

    An Ecstasy high can last from six to 24 hours but usually averages three to four hours.  Some reactions have been reported to persist from one to 14 days after use.

    Short Term Effects

    Short-term effects include psychological difficulties (confusion, depression, sleep problems, craving, severe anxiety, and paranoia).  These effects occur during use and can continue even weeks after use.  Physical problems that can occur are muscle tension, involuntary teeth clenching, nausea, blurred vision, rapid eye movement, fever, chills or sweating.

    Long Term Effects

    Recent findings connect use of Ecstasy to memory loss.  Use of Ecstasy depletes serotonin, a very important chemical in the brain which regulates mood, sleeping and eating habits, as well as, the thinking and behavior process, sexual function, and sensitivity to pain.

  2. if you have s*x while on ecstasy it is great but any s*x after will suck because it won't compare


    (negative side effects increase with higher doses and frequent use)

    - inappropriate and/or unintended emotional bonding

    - tendency to say things you might feel uncomfortable about later

    - mild to extreme jaw clenching (trisma), tongue and cheek chewing, and teeth grinding (bruxia)

    - difficulty concentrating & problems with activities requiring linear focus

    - short-term memory scramble or loss & confusion

    - muscle tension

    - erectile disfunction and difficulty reaching o****m

    - increase in body temperature, hyperthermia, dehydration (drink water)

    - hyponatremia (don't drink too much water)

    - nausea and vomiting

    - headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, and vertigo

    - sadness on coming down, sense of loss or immediate nostalgia

    - post-trip Crash - unpleasantly harsh comedown from the peak effect

    - hangover the next day, lasting days to weeks

    - mild depression and fatigue for up to a week

    - severe depression and/or fatigue (uncommon)

    - possible strong urge to repeat the experience, though not physically addictive

    - possible psychological crisis requiring hospitalization (psychotic episodes, severe panic attacks, etc) (rare)

    - possible liver toxicity (rare)

    - possible neurotoxicity (controversial)

    - small risk of death. Approximately 2 per 100,000 users have extreme negative reactions resulting in death. (rare)

  4. Depression

    Sore teeth and gums

    Making a complete fool of yourself

    - own experience

  5. Real easy it is DEATH    personal experience with sister.

  6. The main one is a come down which would be akin to a hangover.  Most E users get this from time to time.

    A quick fix is some 5-HTP and L-Tyrosine.

  7. Well, ex is a very serious drug (mostly because its mostly man-made and can be laced with a list of toxic substances).

    The most serious adverse effect is DEATH. The drug causes fits of hullucinations, hightened senses and an euphoric sensation because it literally elevates your body temperature and your brain is frying and the nerves are going numb.

    I've seen many patients who have died, had brain damage and so forth from this drug. Unfortunately, its so popular... the risk of people trying it is high. If you must play with this drug : Be sure to tell an adult where you are, drink plenty of water and keep your energy low and keep low temps in the environment as to try and balance out the temperature of your BRAIN.

  8. Ecstasy can give you a good high, there are chances that your party nights may end abruptly. Ecstasy can have short-term effects like involuntary teeth gritting, loss of inhibitions, nausea, hazy vision, chills &/or sweating. An increase in heart rate & blood pressure, as well as spasms are other things that you should be careful about. The Ecstasy drug can also lead to severe dehydration & hyperthermia which then leads to muscle breakdown & kidney, liver & cardiovascular failure. Commonafter-effects include sleep problems, anxiety & depression. An extensive use of Ecstasy may eventually harm the cells that produce serotonin, which is important for mood regulations, appetite, pain, learning & memory.

    Herbal Ecstasy is all natural and does not contain any harmful chemical. Hence it has no side-effects & is completely safe to consume. Also Ecstasy contains MDMA that is banned inmany countries like the US...

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