
Considering becoming vegetarian?

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I want to be vegetarian or a vegan. Will my health improve if I stop eating meat? I'm 20yo if that means anything significant.




  1. becoming a vegetarian won't necessarily make you healthier. actually, you could get quite sick from not getting the vitamins in minerals in meat that you can't get in anything else. if you want to be a vegetarian, then you should take supplements to get the vitamins that aren't in fruits and vegetables.

  2. The only reason why ppl gain weight being a vegetarian is because they are skimping on protein sources,and not eating their vegetarian protein sources. When you body is will pig out.

    anyways, just make sure you stock up on soy milk every week,fruits and veggie meat products...and get some vegetarian vitamins.

  3. I hate to be the one that has to tell you this, but meat is the best vegetable.

  4. I think if you don't overcompensate with heavy creamy pastas and junk food you should be quit healthy as a vego. Take iron supplements and get iron from other sources of food like legumes,tofu,spinach,cereal etc.

  5. i was a veggi for a year but i had to go back cause i lacked in iron and i was so thin to start off i was losing more weight but i am only 16 so it wasnt really for me.

    but to you i say go for veggi just make sure you take vitamins they will do you good

  6. I am a vegan and your health will improve by far. This depending on if you do it the right why, I would suggest you either get a nutritionist to guide you through this amazing life change. Or you join THE VEGAN SOCIETY. It has ALL you need to know, all the guidelines, national vegan day, and more importantly how to become a vegan/vegetarian. It is a positive change to make, and betters our inviorment. I seriously hope this was helpful, it helped me become the devout vegan that I am today without any struggle at all.

    Peace Chris,

    Jada Nicole Madden

  7. i went vegetarian  for a few months and ended up putting on weight.

  8. Your health will be fine I don't eat an awful lot of meat either, but if you do decide to go vegetarian/vegan you will need vitamins to replace what nutrients your body will lose. I know people who are vegetarian but not vegan and they say their choice of food is not as good.

  9. If you do it right you may become healthier - it is certaintly a very healthy diet. Poviding you eat the right foods and excercise your health should improve (unless you are very healthy already). You shouldn't need to take any supplements - all of the vitamins and minerals can be found in vegetarian foods. When I became a vegetarian I wasn't a very fit person, but I have lost a lot of weight (I was a little 'podgy') and have become fitter. Make sure you know what you should be eating each day, check out the vegetarian website for information on what you should beeating and the health benifits-

    Good luck


  10. You must be sure to get protein from another source.  Soy products and all beans are good.  Learn to make beans - not just dump them out of a can.  Consider using products from animals such as eggs, milk and cheese.  After you are on this meat free diet for awhile have blood work done to see if you are getting the nutrients you need.

  11. it depends what you eat insted of meat.

    if your thinking just go without and have more of everything else (eg carbs and vegetables -veg is actually a carb anyway) then your likely to become weak and malnourished and loose muscle strregth along with gaining weight around your middle.

    If you swap it for lean proteins which are non additive/e numbers, your likely to remain the same.

    If you overall redce your calorie intake you will loose weight, so just eat calorie for calorie what you would normally eat and you wont loose weight.

    50 grams of cheese is equal to 150 grams of ham or 250 grams of turkey or 300 grams of tuna/prawns/etc

    1 steak is equivilent to the same amount of tofu

    150 grams of chicken is equivilent to about 250 grams of quorn

  12. Make sure you get enough protein which comes from meat in a normal diet but must be found elsewhere in a vegetarian diet. Do some research yourself.

  13. LOL, why do you feel the need to pose as Chris Crocker?

    Complete removal of a food or group of foods does not in any way guarantee improved health.

    That's like asking if your health will improve if you wear contacts or dye your hair. There are optimal omni diets and optimal vegan diets. This means that you'll have to know what you're doing either way.

  14. You will also need plastic sandals and a bobble hat- both obligatory apparel no matter what the weather.

  15. i dont think it will make you any healthier, in fact, you could get sick. there are good things for you in meat the other food wont supply you with. age doesnt really matter i think

  16. When I was 20 I went vegetarian for 2 years.  I thought that it was pointless for me to continue eating meat when there are many people who don't and are doing fine.  Why kill for food when you don't have to?  

    I think your question is implying how good/bad is meat in one's diet?  To answer your question more specifically though.  I don't know how much your health will improve.  If you eat like s*** - fast food often - then you probably will.  But you can have an extremely healthy diet and eat meat.  Bovine meat, in my opinion, is bad when eaten often and when it's a corn-fed cow (most beef).  It seems to skew the ratios of fats, according to Time magazine, "Grass-fed beef also has much higher ratios of omega 3 fatty acids and a healthier ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Finally, it’s higher in vitamins A and E, both antioxidants.".  

    It took me about 3 months to get over not eating meat as I was a voracious meat eater.  I substituted meat-replacement products for meat.  Tofu burgers, ground tofu "meat", vegetarian deli slices, etc.  After that I got pretty good at cooking meals without meat or meat replacements.  Either get a good cook book and/or get ready to try lots of new foods.  

    Lentils seemed to work really well for protein (I'd do an egyptian dish using tomato sauce, lentils, and hot sauce, minimal but satisifying).  Sauteeing a bunch of vegetables in olive oil over a bed of rice was delicious and easy.  Peanut butter was always in the pantry and then I learned to make some really good curries.  There are so many delicious vegetarian meals that I think it was definitely worth doing.  

    Anyway try being a vegetarian if you want.  There are tons of environmental and moral arguments for becoming a vegetarian.  But, for health purposes, I think becoming a vegetarian is good to see if you can ween yourself off of foods you are 'addicted' to.  For me, as I became more aware of what I was eating I became less inclined to eat c**p food thus improving my health.  If you go vegetarian and still eat like a jar of cheese balls while watching TV, cutting meat out is only going to lessen the amount of calories you take in.  However I noticed that because meals had less calories I tended to eat more meals through out the day (it's good for your metabolism too).

  17. OF COURSE it will improve your health-and it is fun to eat without meat, and it is becoming a lot easier with all of the meat substitutes out there-try it, what do you have to lose?  And don't worry, you will feel better.

  18. yes it might, but you would need 2 eat a very wide range of plants in order to get the nutrients required by the body and possible get some amino acid supplement aswel.

  19. http://federazioneamantiwrestling.forumf...

  20. My understanding is that fruits and vegetables go through the system much more naturally than do animal products.  Digestion is a pretty important factor to your health, so I would say yes, your health should improve.

    I recommend a slow transition so you don't backlash, plus it's easier on your system.

  21. Yes actually. It will drasticly decrease your chances of obeseity, heart problems, certain cancers, etc.

    I'm actually a vegetarian too.

    And the protein in meat is really bad for you. It's a different kind of protein.

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