
Considering moving to San Francisco. . .

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Hi! My husband and I are in our early 20's. We are both wanting to attend college wherever we move to next. At the moment we live in the So Cal desert, so we'd like to move to a bigger city with more art and fun stuff to do.

My main concern is whether we will be able to afford SF. We'll have money saved up when we move, but how easy is it to find a job and will we make enough with retail jobs to afford rent?

Thanks bunches!




  1. things might be tight here with retail jobs.  take a look at apts. on  that is the best sight for apts in the city.  

    you can realistically see what you will pay.  if you have cars you need to figure in parking.  a lot of apts. don't include parking, and depending on where you live in the city, parking can be a real nightmare.  

    if you are still thinking of moving, you should take a road trip up to see if you like it, and to double check on neighborhoods (those cheaper places you see might not be in the best neighborhoods).

  2. My suggestion is take a trip to SF just to colect job applications or look for places where poeple are hiring. Craiglists could be useful to look for jobs, but honestly, It's better when you do things in person.

    A few days ago, someone posted a question concerning to jobs in SFO (San francisco international airport). I took a look at their website and found many open jobs. Some of them part time and full time, the requiremets are not hard to fullfill. Why don't you see them? Transportation won't be a problem because BART takes you from SFO to the city.

    Here's the link ( I wanted to apply to some of them but I'm not living in SF yet, so i need to wait a bit more)

    See the "customer services" options. There's a lot of jobs there.

    Now conserning to housing, if both of you have a job you will be fine. I'm currently looking for housing in SF as well, and I've seen some small studios between $800 -$1000. You have to considerate the area, but if you plan to study near CCSF, most of the studios I'va found were in this area.

    I don't know if you guys will have cars when move to SF, if so parking can be hard to find. So I suggest to start just using public transportation. It's really good and if you move just around SF (not the east bay) it's not necessary to have a car.

    Check the link below to see the studios I'm talking about

    Moving to SF is hard for a person itself, but like both of you I'm pretty sure you will make it! Just get jobs and support each other. And keep going with your studies to get better jobs in a future.

    Good Luck

  3. SF is amazing (born and raised there though i have traveled lots of places and never wanted to move) and it is very expensive. but you can move to oakland or berkeley (right across the bay) and it is much more reasonable.  i dont know that much about jobs, (i am 12) but i believe that though not EASY, it is doable to find a job.

  4. East Bay has cheaper living then San Francisco. Try Berkeley or Oakland. Its just a 30 min ride from San Francisco on Bart.

  5. rent for a 1 bedroom runs anywhere from 1000 to 2000 for a good could make it with retail jobs but it will be tight

  6. Hey. Im actually in the same exact situation you are. Its crazy to see. im 21 and my boyfriend is 24 we are looking to move to San Francisco from Virginia, not just virginia, the beyond boring suburbs of virginia. Im excited and we are going there for a month to check it out and stay with some of my family that lives an hour out.

    I too dont have alot of money, looking to find something around 1000 or a little less, everyone makes it sound like thats unrealistic but ive seen a couple places. Anyway. If its cool, you should email me if you find out about anything, im actually going to check out this link that girl left you for  the airport.  When i go for the month i plan to look for jobs and apartments and just check the area out.

    Im so bored here, just looking for a change. Finally doing something about it, and good luck to you i would love to let you know about my findings

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