
Constance Moss?

by Guest33953  |  earlier

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A shot in the dark! Trying to trace info on my grandmother Constance Moss. All I have been able to find about her is that in 1927 she was living in Kettering and "of child bearing age" (she gave birth to my father. Then - a blank!




  1. Loads on ancestry for 1901...have you the rest of the families names or any ages?

  2. Try

    It's one of the best genealogy websites on the internet, with an amazing amount of information for tracing family in many of the world's countries.

  3. I have had a look in Ancestry. for you, but there are so many Contance Moss names there its like looking for a needle in a haystack. The Moss surname seems a very popular one for Kettering, Northamptonshire, and also the neighbouring county of Leicestershire. There seems to be a number if births around the 1920's in Northamptonshire, did your grandfather have any brothers and sisters? This would help with their names as from 1913 they did list the mothers maiden name on the registers. That way you could find out more.

    Also Contance may not have been her first Christian name. The registrar could only  put down what they were told. Your Grandmother may have had Constance as her middle name, and she may have preferred that to the one she was given firstly.

    Sorry I can't be of more help.

  4. Category:



    brenda moss




    were you born brenda moss 1954/55 in aylsham.norfolk. birth parents norman and constance moss.sisterof norman, kenneth,michael,geoffery,malcolm,gordon,... michael looking for you.

    Posted By:

    arlene moss on Wednesday 17th January 2001


    Any Connection?

  5. UK answer.

    What year was Constance born?, was Moss her maiden name, or was she married to your grandfather in 1927.and living in Kettering.  I am pretty sure that if you could clarify this someone will be able to help you with the information you are seeking.

    Hope this helps.
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